
What are good basketball drills to do?

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I want to know what you people do for basketball drills when you are by yourself. I am the only one in my family who plays, and i need some more practice, so what are good drill to do by yourself?




  1. Just do the basics!

  2. Pick 5 point on the court and shoot 25 balls a day from each of those 5 spots.  What happens is called muscle memory, your body will get so used to shooting the same shot over and over that it will automatically start training itself to remember specific technique from those certain areas.

  3. I got 1 but....u mite need some1 2 pass u da ball(since u said by yourself)

    its gonna help ur shooting

  4. i like to do basketball bouncing and basketball basket throwing.  im very good.

  5. there is tons of basketball drills, u could even make some urself, just remember work hard. the harder u work the better u will get. trust me. im a assisstant video coordinator for the ucla mens basketball team.

    dribbling drill- use two balls and bounce them together, make sure u keep ur head up and ur always low.

    shooting drill- throw the ball out to urself and catch it, square up, make a good strong move, remember to stay low, and shoot. keep the ball in ur finger tips when shooting and hold ur follow thru. try this from different spots on the court.

    try the george mikan drill, if u dont know wat it is, look it up on

    practice hard...sorry about it being so long

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