
What are good books concerning the differences between the genders?

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I would like to read an insightful, but not too heavy book, concerning the gender differences between men and women concerning their 'natural' make-up, starting from the so-called cave days.

'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus', and 'Why men don't listen and why women can't read maps' are too stereotypical for me and are popularist. I read the latter, and it was interesting and funny in some ways, but it was in favour of women being the better and superior s*x, and men being inadequate.

Can anyone suggest anything more advanced, please?




  1. Take a college course in psycology or sociology.

  2. My momma beat up my momma.

    Hoosier Daddy

  3. The trouble with books like these is that they generalise about differences between the sexes, as if all men are the same and all women are the same, but people are generally more complex than that.  I don't find them particularly helpful myself.

    Any book that suggests that one s*x is better or superior to the other is clearly defective, because both sexes are equally necessary to the survival of the species, otherwise there wouldn't be two different sexes in the first place.

  4. the only good book in the world is the bible,and the bible says that women should summit to their husbands and men should love their wives.

    I used to have a copy of men are morons and women are idiots,but I burned it to warm myself in the winter.

  5. "Why Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget" by Marianne J Legato and Laura Tucker.

  6. I wish I could enlighten you.  All the books I have seen recently are skeewed towards a female readership, and men are usually portrayed as inadequate, as you say.

    If you find such a book, I would like to read it too!

  7. Run Spot run. See Spot run.

  8. The Sexual Paradox by Susan Pinker is supposed to be good. But I don't have much faith in books like that.

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