
What are good color schemes for a room that would look artistic and original?

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i am redoing my room this summer. i want it to looks artistic, beautiful, original, relaxing, and fun to be in

im thinking of blue and purple tones, but i am open to suggestions

so what are good colors, and different kinds of things that look good in rooms... (lava lamps, ect.)





  1. i have a friends room that is themed on claude montes water lillies, it looks beautiful! its a light green with some sponged on colors, just an idea, you can use some of the colors you like in the painting keeping it older more artistic :] heres the painting:

    also to make it even more artistic would be to frame this in a nice black frame on the wall so they can see were you got yout inspiration:]

  2. apricot and medium toned merlot

    1528 + 1430

  3. Different shades (i.e. lights and darks) of blue and purple could be really cool.  Don't make everything too matchy or else it's overwhelming.

  4. paint the wall(s) a solid cool color (a color that has blue in the mixture) then make thick and thin vertical stripes on the wall of another color that is like the same color, but a bit darker.


  6. play around with the Sherwin Williams color visualizer to find something that you like. It is the best paint visualizer on the web, imho. I like how their color palette is laid out, I like that you can search by color family & color name, the "painted" rooms look the most realistic, and it suggests coordinating color schemes. You can literally spend hours:

    I think a blue like "mineral crystal" (# 7192) from their SandScapes faux finish collection might look good. And the sand texture would add another interesting element to the room.

  7. Look around for a painting or a good reproduction of one that you like and choose colors from it to do your room with.....You might find prints of Monet paintings that would work for your preferred colors.   Go on line and look at paintings by famous artists.  Very easy to do.

  8. pink, white and black

    pink , light blue


    hot pink

    red and white

    bulletin board with pictures, an ipod stereo, disco ball, television set, tight rugs, laces on bed

  9. Ooh!  I like this question... you should consider lime green w/ light orange (if you only have four walls) but if you have like a complex format you should also consider doing multiple squares like in the beginning of Vanessa Hudgens video "Sneaker Night" (not that I'm trying to promote her) but different colors like pink with green with purple or blue (not dark blue, please!) with purple like you said.  You might want to get lava lamps that match the color scheme, or you could get one with different colors as long as it doesn't clash... a lot of desk lamps or floor lamps from Bed Bath and Beyond (like the blue one in Chase's room on Zoey 101) look fun to, in my opinion.  Don't forget to add pics of your fave things, and like, if you like pianos and you see a toy piano, then you could get it and put it on a desk or something.  Good Luck and Have Fun!

  10. you should get a big chest as a table, and then get a tall chair to go with it. cover your ceiling with things from magazines or art, and paint a huge flower on a wall (or anything else but a flower is relatively easy to paint)

    i think you should add some kind of low key curtains to your windows and open them to let the light inside to open up the room

    pick your own colors to match your personality, normally when you see a little of it on the wall you will automatically know that it is the one

    i find just one deep colored yellow wall to be perfect and artistic, with complimenting blue in the room (van goghs favorite color was chrome yellow and he painted all of his walls this) add cool artwork that you paint or find (it doesnt have to be too complex) and just let your natural creativity and intuition take over

    have fun and hope you got some ideas! overall just be yourself and be creative!

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