
What are good drills for foot speed?

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What are good drills for foot speed?




  1. You can do shuffles, ladders, and sprints. =)

  2. ladders and lines!

  3. Okay when your like in the gym, find a long straight line. Grab a medicene ball or just a normal ball, and put it over your head. Then move your feet as quick as you over the line. Like right then your left follows, the your left and right follows. Back and forth over the line, the more repetitions you can get in before the end of the line the better. It really really increases your foot speed! Hope that helps!

  4. do some suicides

  5. Running up hills, jump rope, and sprints. How long you do each depends on how fast you wanna get, but remmebr there is a limit to your ability.

  6. use some tape and make 4 x's in a box shape with another x in the middle. the hop on one foot hitting all x's as quick as you can moving from bottom x's to top x's then back down and that is one set. then switch feet. i usually time myself and do 5 set continually trying to always beat my time.

  7. Well our team does suicides, quick feet, crushers ( which suck ***) We also do quick feet, the same way football players do, we quick feet it through some tires. Well thats all i can think of.

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