
What are good effects of birth control?

by Guest56703  |  earlier

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Lose/gain weight?



Anything good?




  1. They regulate your period and prevent pregnancy :o)

  2. Not getting pregnant.

    Some people loose weight and their acne clears up.  (and some have the opposite effect, they gain weight and break out)

    I've never heard anything about vitamins/minerals and birthcontrol.  It's really to trick your body into thinking it's pregnant.  

  3. I gained weight when I first started using it but I lost it over time.

    There aren't any vitamins/minerals in BC pills. Mostly hormones.

    Other benefits -

    Regulates your period

    Helps acne

  4. well besides preventing unwanted pregnancy lol they also allow you to plan trips etc b/c they regulate your period and you can say ok lets go to the beach this week b/c my period wont be until the week after. i think mostly is weight gain not loss.

  5. Depending on the birth control you may loose or gain weight. My sister got the birth control needle and blew up like a balloon.

    Vitamins and minerals, none. Just the hormones to regulate the period.


    They can reduce the pain of cramps, have a lighter flow, your flow doesn't last as long, its on a stricter shecduale, and ive heard that it can help your PMS mood swings settle down.  

  6. There's LOTS good with using the pill (or shot or ring or implant).  Not including contraception:

    The biggest benefit is regular, lighter periods, with fewer less intense cramps.

    You also have less PMS typically, and your skin can often clear up if you've got bad acne.

    And some brands also include iron in the placebo (sugar) pills to help women who have anemia.

  7. Besides not having babies....

    Some treat acne but most reduce the flow, make the periods shorter, reduce PMS symptoms, reduce cramps.  Those are great things to reduce or not have.  

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