
What are good excersise to help improve your running?

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Besides continued running...what excersises can help improve your speed, endurance, distance etc?

I know the best thing is continued running but anything else too help would be great




  1. Speed sessions can really help as well. Doing  sets of 100, 200's and 400's at a constant pace can help. Also you can do some hip flexer strechers and some quad strechers or any leg strechers as they will loosen the muscles which makes it easier to run. Don't forget to drink plenty of water as it can take 30 seconds off your time in a 5km race. I hope this helps

  2. Continuous running is great to improve overall fitness, improve cardiovascular / muscular efficiency and as a base for fast running. Continuous running on it's own is not an effective way to build speed.

    Hill running is an essential. It provides a great cardio workout and contributes to speed, strength and endurance. If I could only do one type of running it would be hills. Run hill workouts that combine medium paced and fast paced running. If you plan to participate in running races where there are substantial downhill portions by all means train to run them otherwise skip the downhills in training and simply walk or jog down them lightly.

    Another suggestion I have for you is to incorporate 2-3 faster than race pace segments into your daily runs. These segments should be 100-400 yards long and you should run them at 50-80% speed. You should be out of breath after each one and completely recovered before each one.

    You should also do some calisthenics for core training. Try sit-ups, crunches, push-ups, pull-ups, squats, calf-raises and dips. Do them three times a week. Religiously.

    Learn as you improve and find out what works best for you.

  3. running at a pace that you can breathe okay at.. then gradually increase your pace! onyl way to do it! don't listen to nayone else!! i konw from 4 yerars of experience! thanks.

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