
What are good excuses not to go to something so as not to hurt the person who invited you?

by Guest34267  |  earlier

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They are a good friend, but i don't have time to go to this thing? But i probably should go.




  1. just explain you don't have time because things are a bit hectic but maybe make arrangements to meet up with them later on.

  2. if you feel you should go you should go .


    your mothers ill

    your dogs ill

    your ill

    you get the idea

  3. TRUTH....I would love to and probably should go but I really don't have the time to go to this thing.You know your a good friend and I don't want to lie to you but I can't make it.

  4. Go but only stay for a certain time, perhaps an hour and make your excuses that you have to get something done for work the next day, or your babysitter needs to go home early or something that is relevant to you that is believable or fake a headache

  5. You don't have to make excuses-just be honest and pleasant about it

  6. it's difficult.  1 rule you learn in life is don't lie. So when a friend asked me to her baptism, i said it would be good to catch up with her. she said no, she would be spending time with her family before and after the ceremony.  So I declined the invitation which would driving all the way to "see" her get baptised (probably from the back seat of the church), and not being Christian myself, I really didnt see the point of watching someone get baptised and not even be able to talk to them on the day.  Somehow, I don't think she sees me as a good friend anymore.  So, i'm thinking the 2nd rule I need to learn is sometimes a white lie is good...

    ... and excuses that I have noticed people giving me (which are transparent, but I guess I can live with the rejection) include: "I'll be there" but then ring up and say they got caught up with something, unexpected work committments, forgot they had another function on etc....

  7. Advice 1: It's the truth.

    You don't have the time? But you probably should go? So, you either can or you can't make the time to go. Do you WANT to go is the first question you need to answer.  If not, or you have things that you believe have priority, just say so and explain the (truthful) things that are so demanding that you can't make it.  Excuses are fine but you risk a major dose of guilty conscious and you may get caught out using a lie.  That would maybe hurt your friend even more.

    Advice 2: It's not a lie...just sort of

    If you're going to be the transport to the function, remove the distributor cap of your car, take out the rotor button, replace the cap and hey presto, car won't start!

    I've had situations like yours, but seriously, I've just told my friend I can't make it or I don't want to go or if they asked me after the event what happened to me then I'd say, oh bugger, I was snowed under and completely forgot.  And yes, I did feel guilty .... but I got over it.

    Truth is, a 'good' friend won't give you a hard time about it.

  8. You could say the obvious excuse, that you're sick or just say that you have a really important family drama thing that you wish you could get out of but can't... !

  9. if u think you probably should go then go, just dont stay the whole time and leave after a while - theres no problem with that.

    if they're a good friend im sure they wont mind if you just tell them you are busy and cant make it and how sorry you are that you cant.

  10. I hate lies - just tell your friend the real reason why you can't go.

    If they are a good and true friend he/she will understand.

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