
What are good exotic pets that are not to big and could stay in a cage?

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I am looking to buy an exotic pet that it is not to expensive and could stay in a cage.




  1. snakes, emperor scorpions, & lizards. Bearded dragons are great..they're really calm and can be held. If you're cool with it tarantulas are cool but, you gotta know how to take care of them. Chameleons are cool too but, can be a little pricey.

  2. I have a hedgehog that I purchased from a pet store for less than $100. They are great little guys that are packed with personality. My hedgie loves to take bathes and swim. I keep him in a regular Guinea pig cage. Make sure you do research first, there are special precautions to be taken with hedgehogs, for example they cannot have cedar bedding because it can cause lung infections. A common misconception is that their quills come out. Except for twice when they are very young and the quills shed, they are stuck in there. When your hedgie gets used to you, he will lay them down flat and they don't hurt at all. They are also litter box trainable and I taught mine how to fetch a toy mouse.

  3. guinea pigs. email me for more information about guinea pigs.

    There's a link for you.

  4. Definatly a guinea pig!!!

    Here's a cutie pic of mine:

    Here's my site w/ info and more pics:

    (Guinea pigs are social, don't bite, cute, less than $30...)

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