
What are good facial products that can maintain skin looking clean?

by  |  earlier

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I have bought and tryed so many products and none seem to work.




  1. neutrogena, clean and clear, proactive, anything like that. usually the best ones are easily found at a drug store. and washing ur face too much can dry out your skin and cause wrinkles. its best to wash ur face face 1-2 times a day.

  2. Any that say they reduce oil, clean, and don't dry out skin.

    Also in between using those wash with regular dove bar soap and warm water to reduce buildup and redness.

    God bless :)

  3. Because you are getting not naturally made products

    Proactive and store bought products are not a one-size fits all solution despite what the marketing suggests & doesn’t work for all people. Plus it’s expensive. Don’t believe all the hype on them. They are a commercially made line of detergents and chemicals. Since your skin is natural you need natural products.

    Things to do to help oily face, pimples, blackhead & the such....

    1.) Don’t ever pick/pop them... If you must pop them wait till they have a head and use cotton balls. Popping causes the oil & bacteria to go to near by spots and cause more pimples

    2.) Wash your face twice a day. Morning and before you get to bed.

    3.) Do not over wash your face.

    4.) Get a natural soap that contains Tea Tree EO. I get mine at:

    Tea Tree EO kills all the nasty bacterias that causes pimples. A plus this soap doesn’t smell girly. Smells like peppermint and cools the skin.

    5.) Also get an astringent. But use it only every other day because you do not want to send the oil producing pores into overdrive.

    If you follow these things for a few weeks your skin will look great

    Just remember this dry skin looks old and worn. You face needs a little oil to look youthful.

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