
What are good foods to eat when starting to become a vegetarian??

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I am trying to become a vegetarian can you help me find foods that vegetarians eat and can you tell me what they dont eat??




  1. Just eat plenty of vegetable, whole grain and fruit. If you are ovo- lacto vegetarian you can also consume dairy and egg

    Vegetarian do not eat any food related to animal except for Flexitarian or Semi Vegetarian which occasionally consume some meats. If you want to become a vegetarian just don't eat any food that come from things can move by itself.

    I would avoid mash mallow, jello and jelly beans because they are made from animal part. You can get mash mallow that are vegetarian suitable. I use agar agar instead of jello.

    Also, some cheese contain rennet that made from calf and sheep stomach so you should look for vegetable or microbial rennet

  2. I would suggest investing in a good vegetarian or vegan cookbook and start dabbling in that. I am a vegetarian who eats cheese and occasionally eggs, but I keep a strong emphasis on vegetables and fruits and I think that's where some veggies go wrong. Vegetarian Times is a really wonderful magazine that I would suggest you check out. You can also go to this site to order a free vegetarian start up kit. Good luck!

  3. The concept is simple.  Eat veggies.  No meat.  

    If you want to go fully vegan, cut out dairy also.

  4. I am not a vegetarian, but I am steering towards some vegetarian tendencies recently.  I would start with veggie burgers and such, and then move on to tofu and see if you like it.  I just bought some tofu noodles to try as a pasta substitute...

  5. It's probably easiest to rely on analogs at first, so I'd purchase veggie burgers, veggie hot dogs, corn dogs, breakfast sausage....

    I generally have a fruit smoothie for breakfast, veggies n ranch for lunch, and a salad for dinner- all easily found in the produce department.

  6. beef chicken pork lots & lots

  7. Simple. Vegetarians eat vegetables, and vegetables ONLY. But not necessarily only. Fruit is good, too. They don't eat meat, pork or anything related to animals. Some become vegetarians because they don't like to eat the poor helpless creatures. Others eat veggies only for losing weight. I want to become a vegetarian for losing weight, but can't because meat is sooo good. :) Vegetarians eat fresh lettuce, cabbage, carrots, squash, just anything veggies. Avoid meat, beef, pork, crocodile meat (I've tried it, tastes like chicken, avoid that too!) anything related to animals. Good luck! Hope you have more willpower than I do! Haha!

    ~Angel Undercover

  8. Vegetarian: One who does not eat any animals but still eats animal products can be called lacto-vegetarian if they eat dairy products and ovo-vegetarian if they eat eggs.Some vegetarians may make exceptions and eat fish as long as they are a small variety that cant eat other type of fish like anchovies for example.A true vegetarian eats no living breathing animal though.A vegan is someone who eats no meat and no animal products at all. Try checking out some vegetarian sites like veg web for recipes and google vegetarian foods and start out slowly by getting your body used to the transition with eating more fruits and vegetables and know that your becoming vegetarian for a good reason wether it is health related or animal rights related do it for you.Try to eat natural and organics and not still snack on potato chips concentrate on being a healthy vegetarian.You can still eat pasta dishes so that's a start and introduce tofu and soy products into your diet there are good books out vegetarianism like The Contempt Vegetarian and The Vegetarian Bible and one simply called Vegetarian all have photos of the food in them as well.Try going to sites like

  9. I'd suggest going to your local library and taking out a few books on the topic. Also visit your local bookstore and pick up a couple cookbooks. Being a vegetarian isn't all that hard, you just replace meat in your diet with: beans, whole grains, seeds, nuts, dairy and eggs. There are also many fake meats like: tofu, veggie burgers, veggie hot dogs, veggie sausage, etc.

  10. vegetarian lasagna really yummy (i'm making one right now)

    between layers put veggies like pepers,mushrooms,carrots,green beans,corn,spinach,zuchini & beans for proties yumm


    We don't eat animal flesh or slaughterhouse by products such as animal rennet (common in many cheeses), gelatin, chicken or beef broth.

    You will have to start reading labels

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