
What are good girl duet songs?

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my sister and i might do the talent show in November and we

want to do a duet. my sister can play the guitar but needs to

practice alot and it can't be very hard

we only have an acoustic guitar :D




  1. sing Sisters from dreamgirls its cute and you could sing it accapella [without instruments] or if you can get someone to play piano for you

  2. Our Lips Are Sealed - Hilary Duff

    Material Girls - Madonna

    I can't think of any others. I hope this helps!

  3. brandy and monica did a song called "he's mine". a woman's version of Micheal Jackson and Elton John's she's mine. at least i think it's Elton John

  4. I'm a little bit Country, I'm a little bit Rock and Roll

    Donny and Marie

  5. really, you could use any good popular song out there.  just break it up into parts, or find sheet music and do harmony.

  6. well i dont know like gutair but some good songs would be a pocketful of sunshine, suddenly i see, or something like that im not sure what music you are intrested in but good luck...........

  7. the veronicas - heavily broken.

    check this:

    good luck!

  8. do hold on by the jonas brothers , i know guys sing the song but girls can easily sing it

  9. My sister and I sing together. We usually write our songs though.

    I play guitar too.

    Some songs by Fall Out Boy (nothing on Infinity on High) might work if you split up the parts.

    Or anything by the Veronicas.

    BTW Fall Out Boy guitar can be simplified, if you use only chords (no tabs) and only use the most domanant 3. (Change all others to one of the 3).

    And you will want to have a few more singing lines than your sister, because she will be busy playing guitar.

    Hope I helped!

  10. Reba MacIntyre and Kelly Clarkson - Because of You

  11. Hold On by Wilson Phillips

    Where You Lead, I Will Follow by Carol King (it's the Gilmore Girls theme song)

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