
What are good gum brands that really freshen breath?

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I want a brand that is REALLY fresh like icy fresh or something. And long lasting.




  1. i work at a dental clinic and the dentist tells patients all the time to try ice breakers ice cubes because it has xylotol in it, which puts minerals back into your teeth and also helps cavity rate drop, studies were done in finland. The gum is pretty good too..i like the taste.  

  2. Orbit isz relly good, Stride only works for a bit, lol

  3. Orbit, it is long lasting to freshen your breath, if you can't get home to brush again.

  4. cut off chewing gums and mints for they contain sugar in which bad bacteria in the mouth can feed on, thus can make your bad breath problem really worse. if you think they are good in masking bad breath, well you are wronge because they are of no use in eliminating bad bad bacteria in the oral cavity.

    try to avoid foods that are garlicky. sometimes bad breath can come from stomach related illness. it can also have a lot of causes like poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, sinusitis, medications, bacteria, gum disease and gum infections. to determine the cause of your bad breath, you may need the help of a dental expert or dentist.

    have a good oral hygiene habits after meal, be sure to floss, brush, and scrape your tongue carefully and properly. keep your mouth hydrated by drinking lots of water. for more tips to get rid of bad breath visit

  5. stride gum bubbilicuos gum

  6. Trident or Extra, are pretty good.

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