
What are good ideas for a sign?

by  |  earlier

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a sign that will send a message to the world.

for hugs...honk for world peace.things like that. for 13 year old girls to do.




  1. "Prove THIS" with a middle finger sticking up

  2. Honk if you like Miley Cyrus!!, or some other child celebrity.

  3. remember the commercial in the 70's with the native and the tear in his eye and all the garbage around him,the Simpsons had a picture of this in an episode that picture still is in my mind and probably in the minds of anyone else over 40.What better for a visual sign for people to see.Pictures clear cut forests,burning rain forests from space,oil soaked birds from oil spills,mountain sides and rivers clogged with tree stumps and soil debris from clear cuts

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