
What are good live plants for an aquarium?

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I'm trying to set up a 20 gallon tank with a really natural look. I want plants to spread out across the tank so that the floor is covered with plants growing everywhere.(I don't mean a single plant that will spread it's leaves over a wide area) I want to also grow plants on the rocks in my aquarium too. So how do I go about doing these things? What plants do I need?




  1. One plant you can add, well you can add many of the same plant, but you get it, is what is called Lucky Bamboo. It's pretty easily kept and tropical fish LOVE it!

    The only 2 problems is, it cannot be stationed in direct lighting from your tank. This is because it'll burn the leaves, so put it in the back or off to the side.

    Also, keep it away from dogs and cats! It causes very bad digestion problems, that can be fatal!

  2. it mostly depends on what kind of fish you have. fine leaved plants reproduce faster and go well with almost any fish. i also have a 20 gal tank with 2 species of fine leaved plants. but they have taken over the whole aquarium. and they are like topiary bushes because you can trim them to any size [and shape if you have the skills and correct species!]  

  3. The lighting is going to be important.  What kind do you have or are planning on getting?  And what about the substrate?  Using flourite or something like that?

    Here's some links with good basic info on plants and what kind of care(lighting, substrate, etc.) they'll need:

    That second one has lots of good ideas for set ups with plants.


  4. Attach Java Moss to whatever you want it to go grow to, it's very hardy and grows quite fast, it will give you a carpet look. You could also try the same thing with Riccia, it is more beautiful but requires more light. Java Fern is not a carpet plant but it will grow and attach to rocks or wood. Another carpet plant is Dwarf Baby Tears. I use sewing thread to tie down carpet plants, it works great give it a try.

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