
What are good manners for you?

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  1. one of the best rules to follow "do  unto others as you would have them do to you" if you have good manners then most people will show you good manners.Make everyday being polite.

  2. No farts in a closed space.

    Close mouth when eating.

    Tell her thank you in the morning.

  3. Good manners is basically treating people the way you would like to be treated: calling adults 'sir' or 'ma'am,' not swearing at people or rolling your eyes and snickering when someone says something you disagree with, holding the door for someone, especially someone older than you or disabled, giving your seat up on the bus to pregnant women, elderly people or people carrying children or parcels, smiling and saying hello to strangers. And NOT treating public places and stores as if they were your personal playground. basic little things like these will get you the respect you want and are good manners

  4. The bases for good manners is awareness.  Awareness of others, awareness of the social graces in the country you are in, the group you are in and the situation you are in.  Most things that are considered bad manners can be put down to two groups, not being aware of what you are doing wrong, simple mistake or not caring to be aware, selfish behavior.

    Most of the time, most of us are aware of what we should do and if we do it, good manners, if we choose to ignore it, bad manners.

  5. treat others as you would want to be treated.  and as for failing with your manners at times---- noone is perfect and that is nothing to be ashamed of, it is only human nature.

  6. Its simple respect each and every living being .  

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