
What are good meals to feed daycare children?

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any suggestions on what to consider in my menu planning for a daycare.




  1. I have to go in child care centers all the time and hate to see chicken nuggets/crackers/hot dogs, etc. the more natural (and messy), the better. Try hard boiled eggs, fruit salad (kids love to help make this),

  2. keep sandwiches dressings.

    no peanut butter unless allergies are known.

    lots of fruit cups, and 'goldfish' crackers

    lots of apple, orange and other fruit juices.  but make water prevalent choice.

    carrot sticks are fun to eat.

    seedless watermelon is fun to eat but sticky.

    applesauce, peach and orange slice cups.

    man I'm hungry!!

  3. snacks- fruit/yoghurt/crackers/

    lunch- sandwiches/ mini quiches / vegetables / pasta /noodles / vegetable patties

  4. My son likes mac & cheese and sides of veggies or fruit, also hot dogs (cut up) and fruit or veggies.  Grilled cheese sandwiches, pb&j, etc.  He also likes breakfast foods like pancakes and eggs.  Occasionally chicken nuggets.  He's never been big on other meats though, and I'm sure my son isn't the only toddler like that.  He'll eat all the fruit you let him have, and as long as no other child says it is yuckie, he'll eat cauliflower and brocolli raw.  I think as long as you try a variety of things, and balance it with plenty of milk, juice, and water, it will be just fine.

  5. For snacks we feed ours anything from graham crackers & PB to homemade pumpkin bread. Our lunches are a bit more kid friendly- fish sticks, sandwiches, any type of pasta. Be sure to stick with the guidelines for serving fruits and veggies!

  6. chicken nuggets, mac n' cheese, low sugar sweets, fruits, corn dogs, pizza, grilled cheese sandwiches, PB & J, chicken noodle soup, ravioli

  7. kids are allergic to alot of stuff so there isn;t much to give them... :|

    peanut butter and jelly sandwich, if no child is allergic to anything there

    healthy cookies and a glass of milk

    a bowl of healthy cereal that is also good tasting

    crackers and cheese

    a yummy, and healthy fruit smoothie (made with ingrediants from home, not store bought junk) such as apples, bananas, berries, (some honey to sweeten if it's too sour) mango desert tofu if no child is allergic to soy(great add of mango flavour, and some protein to give the children energie, they will not taste anything I guarantee you!) or just plain mango, add 1/2 cup orange juice and an individual serving of any flavour yogurt, (per full shake) grind in blender and serve in fun plastic cups

    yogurt is a good snack, along with a nice fruit salad


    check with parents before you feed a child anything - for allergies

    and make sure you know first aid!!


    good luck!

  8. soup and crackers, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, mac and cheese, sandwiches, hot dogs and baked beans,

    snacks could be raw carrots with ranch dip.....popcorn, fresh fruits,

  9. No hot dogs or grapes.

    Children choke to death on them.

    Good luck with your day care!

  10. corndogs, grilled ham/cheese sandwiches,  fish sticks, chicken sandwiches, kids love popcorn chicken,  mac and cheese w/ cut up hotdogs(depending on age for the hotdogs or course),  

    one of my kids favs is

    ***Easy Biscuit Pizza***-

    frozen biscuits/crescent rolls

    tomato sauce

    cubed ham and shredded cheese  on it

        *Flatten the biscuits -  put the sauce, ham, and shredded cheese on it.   oven at 400 deg.  for 12 min.

    for fruits and vegetables:

    carrot sticks,  applesauce,  celery/peanutbutter,  apples, pears, grapes, green beans, bananas,  corn, peaches, strawberries,  AND...  French fries (its a veggie in the daycare world!)

    kids also like 'breakfast items'


    egg (meat)

    french toast(bread)





  11. Finger foods... they seem to like those Smucker's Crustables, and fruits and small veggies like baby carrots...  Good luck and have fun!

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