
What are good reasons for wanting to adopt a child ?

by  |  earlier

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are there bad reasons as well?

I mean preferring it over having biological children..




  1. you're helping a parent who can't or doesn't want there child, you're saving a child time in the foster system (which is very tough to endure) and you have a child w/o the pains of giving birth and the pains of pregnancy

  2. NOTHING   or maybe a tax refund

  3. If you are comeing onto a question site asking about 'good reasons' and 'bad reasons' to adopt, then you shouldnt be adopting.

    If you dont already know in your heart what reasons you are adopting for, then dont bother adopting.

  4. good, because you love the child

    bad, I can't think of anything right now

  5. The good reason:

    Want to have a child (!)  ;-)

    I wouldn't necessarily use the word "bad", but if you are looking to "save" a child, find a playmate for another child, save/revitalize your marriage or bring you and your partner closer together, adoption is most likely not the way to go.  You have to want to love and provide for this child as if it were your biological child.  Be prepared and aware of the problems that can arise in adoption.  Do your research.  Above all, know your limits and don't do anything you are not comfortable.  

    Adoption is a wonderful thing, but it is a very emotional process.

  6. Coming from an adoptive parent's point of view, the good reasons I see for adopting a child are:

    -providing a child with the unconditional love of a parent equal to that in which the natural mother has for the child

    -providing a child with a safe home, clothes on his back, food in his tummy, educational opportunities and other things that his natural mother may not be able to provide him with but expects the selected adopted parent(s) to provide

    -providing for a child's future and establishing a strong foundation so the child will grow stong and healthy


    -tested my faith and showed me that God works in mysterious ways and has a plan for us all

    -showed me what total joy is (being a Mom)

    -showed me that I am stronger than I thought

    -showed me how priorities can change in a split second

    Bad reasons to adopt?  I don't think there are any bad reasons to adopt.  But, there are certainly bad circumstances behind why children need to have adoption plans made for them and how even some life experiences can have bad circumstances throughout an adoptee's childhood.

  7. Good Reasons:

    You have the possibility of providing a family for a child who doesn't have parents.

    That you cannot have kids.

  8. As with every decision in life, there are always good & bad reasons.  What might be a good reason for one person, may not be a good reason for another.  The same holds true with bad reasons.  

    In reality, if you are adopting for the right reasons in your heart, and this is something you truly want to do, then don't let anyone here or in real life discourage you.  

    Good luck to you.

  9. there is as many good reasons for adopting a child as having a child. you will be giving this child a life providing it with the thing that he or she could only wish for other wise. you have a chance to show that child how loved and important they are to the world. that child will grow up and make a diffrence in someones life and it could be good or bad depending on his or her upbringing and you will have controll of that. there are many great things about biological childern too. but for a couple who cant have their own or for a couple who is willing to be so unselfing that they will help a child who needs it adoption is awsome. maybe the bad things would be you are watched closer to make sure that child is safe and happy, and you need to make a pretty good living to get approved.

  10. In my mind there is only one good reason that you should adopt a child : Because you want to build a family through adoption.

    Yes there are bad reasons: they are 1.) to save a child 2.) as a last resort to having children 3.) to have someone to love you when no one else will 4.) so you can pick your child 5.)to have someone to help you around the house 6.) people have also adopted children to do dispicable things to them, but I'd rather not go into detail.

    People who adopt as a last resort often don't realize or stop to think "will I love this child like my own?" if the answer is a resounding yes than it can go well, but if its "no they will never be like MY child, but there still A child" thats when the problems start.

    Also children who are adopted by parents who just want to "save" them also get into a lot of trouble because the parent feels as though the child owes them everything and they should be grateful. Saving a child is not a reason to adopt, its an extra side benifit.

    I've seen lonely people adopt kids to try to cure thier loneliness. Don't do that. Do it for the child and yourself, not just yourself.

    I've also seen parents "choose" their children like designer babies. Like when looking at a listing "Oh look Tom, has your eyes and he's the same shade of blonde as my stylist makes me, lets adopt him!" Why people! Why would you put a child through that, there not a fashion accessory there a person!

    From what I have read in your other questions, you are doing this for the right reasons. Go for it :)

  11. you will help this child and his family i mean there  are a lot of reasons except when they grow up and when they know that they were adopted and they get mad and yell you are not my mom and thats bad because you brought them up does that even make any sense

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