
What are good room decorating ideas for teens?

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For my thirteenth birthday, my parents are letting me re-do my room. Any suggestions? I'm thinking like something modern. It needs to be something that i can live with until i move out. I want it to be fun, but not too childish. My room is square and it is not too big, i only have 1 window.






  2. Maybe this will spark some ideas:

  3. has a lot of cool things like PBTeen for way less money. Magnetic dry erase tiles in any color you can think of, cork tiles, accessories, and so much more to create a custom, cool  and functional style tile bulletin board!

  4. put up a ton of posters

  5. you lucky!! i want to redo my room and if i could then i would do it like one of these rooms;jsessi... I like the vintige charm and the pop music themes.. super cute, but they are all cute and moder.. hope i helped!!

  6. You should paint it your favorite color and you can add a design that describes you if you like. Add posters or drawings or pictures or something else creative on your wall (You can always take them down when they get old). To make it fun, you could add colorful stripes or add flowers. You can also paint a rainbow on your wall above your bed or you could paint and decorate your wastebasket. You can also add a door curtain or make a huge name sign and put it on the wall above your bed or on your door. Or perhaps could get a bulletin board and paint and decorate it. Or get a really funky throw rug. You could also get a wooden door memo and decorate it and glue a sticky note pad to it. You could get some really rad shaped cushions or maybe decorate a tissue box. A really cool idea is to cut a foam board in the shape of a vase with flowers in it and paint it like flowers and a vase and tape it to the wall or glue a small box to the back of it, weigh it down with pebbles, and stand it on the table. You could also decorate a lampshade or make cute storage boxes out of shoe boxes by painting and labeling them and stacking them in the corner of your room. Well, I hope this helped you. Good luck !!

  7. Beach/surfing styles are very popular right now. Start with the bedspread and then work around it.

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