
What are good shoes to wear while working out/running?

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I'm twenty, am 5'8, and weigh about 122. I have always worn raggedy Converse sneakers or Rocket Dogs (whatever sneakers I had) to run and work out.

Can anyone recommend a better shoe?

Thanks :]




  1. if you go to a good running store you can explain to the person what kind of running workouts you are planning on doing and he or she will help you find the right shoe. the right shoe also depends on if you over pronate or not when you run. good luck!

  2. asics are really great for running. go to their sight and they have categories for whatever runner or foot type you are. (like over pronator or under pronator) hope this helps!

    Here's their sight:

  3. If you have an iPod and run outside, get Nike +. They are comfortable, and the neat thing is if you buy a system and run with yoiur iPod, it tracks how far you go! A scensor in your shoe, and a scensor in your iPod. I have my Nike +'s on right now!

                                                                Run For Pride

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