
What are good sites too learn about telekinesis?and where it comes from ?the history?

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and is thier such thing as having telekinesis without the psychic power? cuz it kind of goes against what i believe in the psychic ability i mean i think it looks kewl cuz of the floating objects and flying things like i can clean my room and house that way everyday LOL i would love it with powers




  1. Somebody I'm close to, a highly rational person and all, claims it happened to him twice in the span of a few days and it was quite frightening.

    He said that it was quite effortless, to the extent that it did not feel as if it was truly coming from his own mind and that something invisible was doing it for him.

    All-in-all, he eventually got back to his Christian roots and was left with no particular desire to ever try to duplicate it.


    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  3. Telekinesis is the ability to move or bend objects with the power of the mind, the various things that can be included under telekinesis are: moving, vibrating, bending, lifting, spinning, and breaking of objects using mental powers. -We all are made up of the same basic matter – energy. Therefore, it is straightforward to assume that energy can be manipulated. Thus, objects can be moved or bent using the power of the mind. These are abilities that are present in a nascent form within all of us. We all can learn how to get in touch with these capabilities and to use them. All it takes is some amount of concentration and practice.

    check the other links;

  4. Cool as it might be to have telekinetic abilities, unfortunately it just can't happen. The physics of our universe don't allow for people's minds to move stuff around like that. :\

  5. This is a good group where you can study all human powers.........

  6. What you're describing is comic book superpowers. Such powers don't exist. In fact, there isn't any credible scientific evidence for telekinesis at all. Everyone who has tried to demonstrate it under controlled condition has failed.

    I included a link to an excellent book which details the history of telekinesis. You might want to pick it up.

  7. It would be really cool to be able to clean my place without lifting a finger.  Unfortunately there is nothing to suggest that this is a possibility.  Perhaps Uri Geller will sell you some magnets large enough to accomplish this.

  8. are you saying that you have telekinesis and can clean your house and stuff with flying objects?

    go to

    and win the million dollars dude.

  9. If you want to learn about the subject without having to sort through a lot of anonymous answers by strangers, about whom you know nothing, including whether they know anything, there's a way to learn.

    The reading list below can act as a source for you. Most of the titles can be found in your local library. If they don't have them they can borrow them from another library.

    So you'd like to learn about Metaphysical Experiments You Can Do Yourself.

    So you'd like to... Become Paranormal? Maybe you already are:

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