
What are good songs to listen to while skiing?

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I love skiing and I love music too, but I don't have a good playlist on my ipod. I like almost every kind of music except for death metal and let me hear the suggestions!




  1. Yah ^^^ but if you really want to, just get a cheap mp3 and put ur faves on it!

  2. Born to be Wild !!! that's an awesome song to Liston to while skiing :) and don't Liston to the first guy skiing with music is the best I like putting wild songs on when I'm skiing!

  3. leave the ipod in the car when you go skiing. You have enough to pay attention to on the slopes.

  4. ok more than 50% of people now listen to music while skiing

    me being one of them, don't listen to these other ephin idiots

    i like Flyover




    are you with me

    life is beautiful

    ready to fall

    fake it

    club foot

    h**l ya thats my playlist

  5. You should not listen to music while skiing.  You need to be aware of your surroundings so you don't collide with someone else and cause injury to an innocent person because you are so self involved.

  6. I agree with tlldob, mixing listening to your ipod and skiing can be dangerous to yourself and others, he is right you have to be aware of your surroundings, the people (including small children) snow conditions etc., I have seen ski patrol  tell a skiier to remove the ipod or get off the slope because he ran into a young child about 10, who was doing fine on the slopes

  7. I generally leave my MP3 at home. I'm usually with other people and we talk on the lift, so it's a hassle to dig it out all the time to play with the volume.

    I also hate people who f-around with their MP3 and phones WHILE they are getting on the lift. If you can't hear the liftie and there is a problem, you could get hurt. I also really hate riding a lift with someone who has their earbuds jammed in and isn't social. I don't want to share life-stories, but it's rude to not even say hello to the other person on the lift.

    Having said that...I do listen to music when I ski alone too. So count me as part of the guilty, but I listen on a low volume, usually with just one earbud in and never blow off the lifties or my chair partners.

    If I'm doing bumps or working on a smooth technique I listen to something that has a good rythym. If I'm just skiing along I usually listen to something mellow and relaxing.

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