
What are good spices/seasonings to put with white rice?

by Guest67089  |  earlier

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My brother moved to Florida, and is living on white rice only (weird story) and as a care package I was going to send him some spice packets, or seasonings (preferrably not in the bottle) to eat with the rice. Please keep in mind I will be mailing this so the lighter the better, and any other ideas on what to send him via the mail to go with the rice would be appreciated. (I wont be able to/nor will i want to send broccoli, meat, etc)

thank you!




  1. Chicken, beef, or vegitable flavored boullion cubes would help.  They would add a great deal of flavor, are light to ship and can be stored at room temp.

  2. well, if u like asian food, then make fried rice by putting eggs in and with other things like chicken. or u could just put soy sauce. i'm vietnamese so trust me.

  3. You can try making celery rice. Thats pretty good or you can try basil rice., parsley rice it all depends on your taste.  

  4. What about making up a little packet for rice pudding?

    1/4 cup (50 grams) dark brown sugar

    1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract

    1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

    1/3 cup (40 grams) raisins

    He could add it to his own cold cooked rice, unless he doesn't eat raisins.

    Here's the recipe I got it from.

  5. Send a bottle of saffron.  It's the most expensive spice at the grocery store (~$13/bottle).  I think it would be a good gift, because it's something a normal person wouldn't splurge on.  It goes into paella, and I'm pretty sure he could put it in any rice dish to enhance the flavor.

    I would look at the nicer rices too, like Arborio, and send some of that.

  6. Old Bay is a terrific all around seasoning.  You could always buy boxes of cheap rice and send the flavor packets in the boxes to him.

  7. Well, cumin seeds are very good as aromatic and taste but also could send turmeric for the colour and its cancer fighting properties. he could also add garlic or onion powder to the water prior boiling...hope that help!

  8. I love cilantro lime rice.

  9. saffron's a classic with rice!

  10. Furikake is the best rice seasoning I know of and comes in all kinds of different flavors.

    Don't let the descriptions of the flavors scare you.  It really is good!

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