
What are good stocks to buy that will be worth alot 5-8 years from now?

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What are good stocks to buy that will be worth alot 5-8 years from now?




  1. Anyone that tells you they "know" is fooling you as well as themselves.

    Rule #3 in trading;

    Never ever take stock tips. If you must..... at least don't take them from strangers whose qualifications and motives can never be known.

  2. What service/goods you use? you want to use? have to use? every time I invest in stock. I ask myself that question. I know will worth alot more 5-8 years from now because my money will be going there.

  3. SPDR. Don't try getting fancy at first. Research and never panic.

  4. If I knew do you think I would tell you? Wouldn't I just go out and buy all the shares myself?

  5. Well, I'm in that business and right now its impossible to tell where anything is going to be in any amount of time. I would just let your money grow in the bank right now. I hope thins helps.

  6. If people knew what stocks were going to go up, everyone would be millionaires.

  7. What do you think will be the next breakthrough in the next 5 to 8 years? Invest in it now. That is your answer.

  8. I can only tell you where I'm putting my own money.

    Right now, I am very, very, very bullish on the Preferred Stock of troubled financial companies - especially investment banks!  Now, if you are going to consider preferred stock, make sure that you only buy CUMULATIVE preferred (where if the company ever skips the dividend, they still owe it to you).  I will not even bother looking at the dividend yield on a preferred stock that is not cumulative, because the company has a much smaller incentive to actually pay you what they owe you.

    Personally, I have gotten into Lehman Brothers preferred stocks - especially the L and K series, which both pay a $1.59+ dividend, and can be called for $25.  I actually bought some more of the L series today at market open for less than $11.50/share.

    I've made a lot of money by buying the preferred stock of troubled financial companies so far this year.  The big payoff here is that if the company gets bought out, then the company that buys them has to honor your shares.  So after Countrywide went bust, the value of the preferred that I owned skyrocketed because they were considered the same as Bank of America preferred stock.  Here, I more than doubled my money in just a few months.  The same thing happened when JP Morgan took over Bear Sterns.

    Of course, there is some downside risk - for example, if the company just fails, and is not taken over, then you could lose a lot of money on a strategy like this.  But the yields are so attractive, that I think it's worth it.

    For example, if we consider that I bout LEH-PL @ ~$11.50, and we know that if the financial sector was reasonably healthy, the shares should be trading for ~$25, and we factor in the dividend that I get while I hold it, we can project an average annual rate of return of ~40% if it takes 3 years for the sector to recover on its own.  But, if Lehman gets taken over by Goldman Sachs or someone, then we could easily see how the investment could double almost overnight.

    Bottom line:  I think cumulative, non-variable Preferred Stocks of Investment Banks are extraordinarily undervalued at this time, and that such investment opportunities certainly warrant further research on the part of the investor.

  9. If I knew that I would be rich.

  10. FUEL CELLS!  Thats a serious answer

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