
What are good things to do and see in Zagreb?

by Guest63838  |  earlier

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I will be in Zagreb for two days at the end of the month and was curious to find good things to see and do, i have been told the zoo is good, is this correct? What else is there thats fun in the city?




  1. You should def. check out the Baroque Festival. It's this awesome music festival that runs throughout the month of July where they have performances throughout the city at beautiful, evocative places like St Catherines.

    Here are some of my fav experiences in Zagreb:

    Dolac market - go for breakfast and just soak in the hustle and bustle & cool displays.

    The Croatian Museum of Naive Art (that's really the name): I'm a young painter, and so I totally loooooooved this museum.

    Gallery of Modern Art: vibrant, interesting

    Tkalciceva Street: it has a ton of awesome stores & restaurants and fascinating places and cool, young ppl. Just chilling there and ppl watching is a great way to spend a couple of hours.

    Medvedgrad: this really cool medieval fortress

    St Mark's Church: it's very colorful and pretty

    The Botanical Garden

    We didn't go to the zoo....

    Zagreb is a really intriguing city with a great artistic vibe, and the ppl there are cool and lovely. I think you'll have a great time on your short stay there.

    : )

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