
What are good things to eat

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we're often told to avoid many foods as they are unhealthy, so what are some good healthy things.?




  1. Dry bread (those one week old).  It helps not to put on any weight!!

  2. strawberries are delicious!(to me) and most fruits....

    Pizza is kinda good, if you get the kind with veggies and other stuff on it like mushrooms, pineapple, broccoli etc

    salads are so delicious, and so healthy

    just avoid fried things, like fried chicken....etc

  3. You'll be fine if you stick to real food. Try to buy meat direct from a farmer who raises it without hormones and drugs. Ditto eggs. Truly organic produce is always better in every way but don't be fooled by the label "organic" in stores, you'd be amazed what is permitted. Buy locally from the growers whenever you can. The trick with eating well is to avoid processed foods, i.e. cook from scratch.  

  4. The best food, is food that is not processed. The more "natural" it is the better. Like fruits and veggies, especially dark green veggies. Meats should be limited, to about 1-2 servings of meat or chicken a month. Fish consumption should be more, 1 serving a week. I don't like to recommend eggs, because of the high cholesterol.

    Think back to more simple days, when you had to hunt for food, you wouldn't eat meat everyday... it was more of a vegetarian diet. It was easier to fish than to hunt for meat.  

  5. anything that is fresh and bright or dark in color is good for you. Like for example- baby spinach (dark green color) has way more nutrients than iceburg lettuce .. which is pretty much water. Black berries, raspberries, acai berries.. all good for you. Whole wheats are great! and if you arent a fan of that whole wheat taste.. i am not , then try this : Natures Brand honey wheat bread. It doesnt have the taste but it has the grains. Try fresh fish like salmon or cod . but stay away from Tilapia because its high in bad fats.. i just saw it on the news.  

  6. Fresh fruit and vegetables, preferably organic. Fresh fish too. Eggs, but not every day. Meat only occasionally.

    Avoid all processed foods. Stay away from wheat products, milk products and refined sugars. No fast food.

    Cooking your own meals gives satisfaction and you know exactly what's in the food you eat.

    All the best and I wish you good health!

  7. Buy the book by Lalitha Thomas called 10 ESSENTIAL FOODS. It's well-written and funny and informative.

  8. Sprouts are full of vitamins and minerals, contain virtually no fat, salt or sugar, are easy to grow and taste good.

  9. Air.

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