
What are good things to look for when view a possible rental property?

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Im going to look at a rental property in 45 mins...any pointers on important things to look at in the home?




  1. From the outside, notice the neighborhood. What kind of neighbors might you have? People with kids? Barking dogs? Are there bars on the windows as an exception or the rule? Do the cars look nice or junky? Do people keep up their property or let it go? Is there a lot of traffic? What's the parking like?

    Inside, verify that your current stuff will fit in the new place (suggest bringing a tape measure). Is there adequate storage? Is there a view? Is there any privacy in the yard? Is the kitchen adequate (counter space, storage, do appliances come with it?)? What is the heating like? Is there AC? (or do you even need it)

    Turn on the lights. Is there adequate lighting or will you have to buy lamps? Is there a laundry hookup? Are the laundry machines included?

    Who pays for what utilities? Do you pay water, sewer, and trash? Gas and Electric?

    That's just a start. But, just compare the place to other places you've lived in. What does it have that others didn't? What's it missing? And, most importantly, can you be happy living there?

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