
What are good ways for kids to make money?

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I'm 15 and my friend is 13 and we need to make a little extra cash, but we don't know how... We have come up with selling stuff on ebay but we are to young for a paypal account or having a garage sale (but none of us live like in town). Any ideas?




  1. Yes, you can do lawn care like cutting grass, raking, trimming, and hedging. Also in the winter depends on where you live you can also shovel snow. There's also paper route delivery jobs, running small errands for elderly. Sell freeze pops etc.

  2. put on your heels and booty shorts, than take it to the streets fool!!

  3. Doing chores for your parents or neighbours? Have like a car wash or cut peoples grass?  That' what I used to do when I was younger!

  4. They can get odd jobs such as mowing the lawn or taking out the trash for neighbors but at age fifteen,you should be able to get a job at Mcdonald's or Burger King.Maybe you both could start doing chores around your houses.Those are easy ways.I hope that I helped.Good Luck and God Bless!

  5. baby sit, dog sit, offer to walk dogs, garage sale, mow lawns, sell lemonade, clean houses,clean garages,pull weeds,ebay, a dishwasher at a restaurant(some do hire), paper route,wash inside and clean outside of cars, some fast food places hire, make crafts and sell them house to house.

    There are many opportunities, just find something you like to do and go from there. Im 14 and I started trying to make money a few months ago. I like to excercise, so I decided to mow lawns for neighbors(its not neccessarily something that I liKe to do though) But I do like to sell things, and I often do garage sales, and usually have a lemonade stand as well. Just find something you like and work hard at it, if you work hard you will do well BTW i just made my first thousand, and I now have around 1,400 dollars. Good Luck!

  6. Here my ideas:



    Shoveling snow/dung

    Job at restaraunt

    Sell crafts


    Sorry but that's all I've got.

  7. Mow a lawn: $25.00

    Wash a Car: $15.00

    Paint a fence: $1.00/per fence board.

    Walk a dog: $5.00

    Baby Sit: $10/hr

    General Cleaning: $15/hr

    Shovel cow dung: $50/hr

    Lemon-Aid: $2 / cup

    General Helper: $10/hr

    If you are getting paid in US dollars I might second think that list and go get a shovel and start digging for gold, something that is actually really worth something.

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