
What are good ways to calm down?

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im kinda worked up. not a mad/angry feeling but a nervous/worring feeling. im starting a new school tomorrow and im panicy idk why?




  1. I usually suffer from anxiety. It's more than just butterflies in my stomach. I get woozy, dizzy, my legs disappear from below me, on and on... It also seemed to get worse right before school started each new year. Right up into that morning and I never felt okay until I finally sat down at my desk. The first day was always the hardest. I got better everyday. One thing I have tried even now that I'm older, and it's going to sound so silly, I know, is I pinch the inner corner of my right ear. Not the earlobe, but right above it. I pinch the area and hold it and count to five seconds (5 mississippi's), then I release it for five seconds. I repeat this until I calm down.

    Why this works for me: I'm not a scientist or anything, but I think that the counting allows the overactive mind to focus and slow down. It works even better if you look at something like you hand or your shoe or a tree even. The trick is to distract the mind from what you're worried about. In reflexology it may also activate a pressure point that sends calming signals to the brain. The earlobe is full of nerve endings. It may be a placebo solution, but try it and I hope my trick works for you. Other tips: sleep well (try this pinching counting trick right before bed) eat well, and breathe.  Have a wonderful day!

  2. take magnesium supplements,.. eat a couple of bananas, drink a few glasses of cold water, take many many deep breaths in thru nose out thru mouth, take a hot shower , wash your face, brush your teeth, take a nap.

    dont worry rayray, you will make the grandest debut tomorrow at your new school,. just make sure i dont hear about it on CNN tomorrow morning.  

  3. To ramp up and wear yourself out...put on some fast music and dance out...punching will put some of that energy to more productive use and also releases endorphins that will help you feel happier.

    To calm down...take a warm shower with all your fav products. Snuggle in your bed. Stretching/yoga. Pray. Journal. Meditate. Read something boring like a dictionary. Have some hot chocolate.

  4. Just play a game or go for a walk & take your mind off school. I know how u feel it's not that easy to get rid of the feeling I've been that way lately & don't know why.

  5. try imagining calm scenes and activities and also take slow deep breaths

  6. Listen to music, it always helps me.

  7. Punch a wall. Concrete preferably.

  8. Run yourself stupid.

    Find a clear patch somewhere, and sprint until you can't breathe anymore... once you pass out, you might calm down some.

    Hope you don't hit any traffic.  Good luck.

  9. Control your breath . You control it all

    Your heart slows down and thus your entire system.

    Look at it as an adventure not something to fear.   Take it all one step at a time, and you'll find there is very little to actually fear. Just a couple of small things. Usually walking in the door is the big one.  The rest is all downhill.

  10. Taking a deep breath and saying within yourself I'm looking 4ward to this new experience and I will succeed and make it a great day and not take myself too seriously and cautiously like the next person.  Just behave calm and relaxed and I know others will enjoy my company.  Have a great school year- you'll impress them all!!

  11. Pluck your mom's nose hairs.

  12. get a cold beverage, and take a cold shower until that drink is gone, then j******f, get out and sit in front of a fan for 20 minutes. then take a nap. works for me.

  13. a good way 4 me to calm down is to have a spa and a glass of champagne at the same time while listenin to sum good

  14. I'm really big on relaxation. Lay down on your back, shut your eyes, basically think of "nothing". Just focus your hardest on white, nothing. Once you've completely focused on white nothing, focus on your "happy place" and lay there for a few minutes. If you have that good of focus, while staying in that position try to relax each muscle in your body separately. Its difficult to do at first, but work on it more, and more, and you'll see a big difference.

  15. Ok this is slightly harder work than popping a lorazepam but you wont be left with a hangover or addiction!!

    Picture a small square:

    1) As you travel up the 1st wall breath in slowly and deeply to the count of four.

    2) Then along the top hold your breath for the same count of four.

    3) Down the next side of the square you slowly exhale to the count of four.

    4) Then again travel mentally along the base holding for four seconds.

    Repeat this process for a few minutes and your anxiety will subside...Do it just once and you will see that in fact it is very simple!!

  16. Xanax, Valium...just kidding. To me it's simply appreciating my surroundings and making myself be in the moment, the right now, it's weird right, but it works. Like they say, when you do that well then you can see the little cute dance a bird or squirrel did and appreciate it, it was performed just for you to see, be in the now moment and you can slow your nerves down and take in whatever life is sending your way.

  17. ummmm

    one word..."Marijuana".

    sshhhhhh. dont tell.

  18. burbon or possibly a touch of vodka

  19. for one thing that's normal its the feeling of the unexpected,

    if you really want to calm your self down do something familiar to you me i practiced kick boxing but thats becuase i knew that its dif for every one,

    when you go to school hold your head up keep your mind clear of the worry all that tension will caus you to have problems alot of people dont understand that if you go in with confidence you will survive go in with fear on you and it will be smelled by the local predators (bullies, a**holes)

    do yourself some good eat a good meal, listen to some music and take a good long shower to ease your muscles and then clear your mind and sleep, and get up expecting the best will happen but prepare your self to think on your feet.

  20. It's normal to be nervous.  Deep breathing helps (in by the nose, out by the mouth).  New schools are intimidating.  Do you know anyone that will be going there?  Think of your first day at something else, (camp, sports team etc).  Now think of how you felt after a few minutes of being there.  You were much better right?  Same thing will happen with school!

    Good luck!  You'll be fine!

  21.   Go for a walk, eat something, hold something, or do some other action.  While you are doing this, concentrate only on what the five senses are telling you and not what your emotions are saying.  For example, if you are eating, pay attention and describe in your mind the sounds the food makes when you chew it, the way it feels in your mouth, the smell of it, the taste of it, the texture of it, etc.  This is a good way to exercise your rational mind, and take you out of your emotional mind for a bit.  Don't think about anything except for what your five senses are telling you.  

  22. Do a physical activity, ex. running, or football.

  23. Just breathe. Relax. Take a hot shower tonight. Just get the first few days of this new school over with and don't worry, you'll make friends (if you don't have any there) in no time. Things will be okay after all. Once you get into the school year, you'll look back and see how silly it was to get worked up about it! Just relax and try to stay calm. Things will be okay!

    Good luck!

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