
What are good ways to get back at people. ?

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what are good harmless ways to get back at people. (like people u hate) i need some good ideas lol. it may sound bad but im just curious




  1. Sign them up for tons of junk mail, especially stuff that you know they don't like.  I think it's funny.

  2. Revenge is not a good feeling at all. It rips away the good character you might have in you.

    It's better just to move on with your life and forget about those who've hurt your feelings.

    Hope this helps

  3. There are no 'harmless' ways.  Hating only hurts you in the long run.  

  4. I like to "kill them with kindness" as they say...

    or i heard of a company that will send p**p in the mail to someone for you...that's always fun!

  5. kindness. everyone has a degree of guilt with in themselves. its hard to be mean to someone who is nice to you.

  6. Ok, here is one subtle one. When you soak beans in water for 24 hours, they lose the chemical that makes you f**t. In transfers in the water.

    Discard the beans, and use the water to make soup with. Serve it to your mother-in-law -- just an example.

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