
What are good ways to raise money for a mission trip?

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I have been given the woderful oppurtunity to travel to Peru for the third time this summer to share the good news of Christ. In the past I have only been gone for 2 weeks, but I will be in Peru for 5 weeks this summer. As imagined, it takes quite a bit more money to be gone for five weeks. I attend and small church that is unable to finacially support me, and I have a job. I have also sent out letters to my friends and family. What are some other productive ways to raise funds? Also, I would ask you to keep this trip in your prayers. Thank you very much!

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

- Philippians 4:19




  1. Try doing a fund raiser with your neighborhood. Try having a neighborhood fair. Pick the person with the biggest yard and do a fair. Have a refreshment stand. Ask people in your neighborhood to make things and buy some sodas (from Costco or Sam's Club) to sell for a little extra. You could have a couple carnival games like knock-down-the-bottles, a treasure dig, or a ring toss. Just be creative with that and offer little $.50 prizes. You could try to get a moon bounce or rock wall. See if someone in your neighborhood owns a moon bounce. If not, you could ask a rental place if you could borrow one for the day. Put up a big sign that says "Thank you ____________ for this great moon bounce.". What I would do if charge $4 to go in there and bounce around for 10 minutes in groups of 4-10 depending on the size. You could also try a tattoo stand. Get little stick-on tattoos or have be doing face paint. A really great one is sand art. Buy a bunch of colored sand and a couple bottles to put them in.

    Good luck! I'll pray for you.

  2. He will indeed and will show you how to earn and share His love at the same time.   One possibility would be to put together a slide or video show from past trips and call nearby churches of similar beliefs and ask to show it to the youth group or at a regular service and make it avalable for people to contribute.  Contact newspapers radio and TV with info on local person making third mission trip, what you did before what you hope to do this time.   Make this the community's project not just yours and your churches.  Don't fail to give folks at your church a chance to help in some way so they can be part of this too.

    Ask friends from school or church to join you in a car wash or other work project, or yard sale.

  3. Bake sale.  Talent Show (at your church?  or school?).  Rummage sale.  Karaoke contest.  Concert in the park?  Essay contest:  entrants pay a fee and have a chance to win a nice prize.  Make a cookbook and sell to friends and family and put in local stores...... tell about your mission work and put a couple photos in it from previous missions.

    May the Lord guide you and keep you safe.

  4. How about baking something easy to sell (have a bake sale)?  You can sell them in your neighborhood (make sure you're in a safe area) and where you work.


    Oat bars

    Mini muffins


    Or you could get some church friends and do a car wash on a weekend (depending on the weather, if it's not too cold where you're at).

    Try getting a sponsor from work or asking family members for some help.  Since this is so important to you, they should be able to give even just a little bit.

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