
What are good websites I can see that have information on helping kids with disabilities like autism?

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What are good websites I can see that have information on helping kids with disabilities like autism?




  1. I have helped my child using the inf available at these sites. Do not discount behavioral therapies and biomedical.

    Good Luck


  2. These montessori guide books helps.  Check out this website, especially the feedbacks page.

  3. Actually all the other answers give great resources for information. And I agree since I often read all the same sorts of materials.

    However as a parent I find that sometimes I just need some practical hands on activities to do with my child and have some fun. I find myself thinking...Now that I have educated myself, what do I do next?

    I found a great website called

    They offer  toys for your child sorted by skill areas that they need to work on like tactile or fine motor.

    They even include an activity of the month on the home page. This site is very helpful to both parents and therapists, beginners and experienced.

  4. Actually I have heard wonderful things about Jenny Mccarthy's book.  Look it up.  Her son has autism, and he is on the road to recovery.  He is now in a much better state then when he was diagnosed.

  5. As some others suggested, ABA is considered to be a very effective teaching method for children with autism, and I think that Montessori materials are excellent too.

    As a special education teacher, these websites have also been very helpful to me. Best of luck!

    "Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew" -

    "Positively Autism" (Free newsletter and printable lessons/activities) -

    "Teaching Tips for Children and Adults with Autism" by Temple Grandin - -

    Website of Paula Kluth, Ph.D. -

  6. Since autism is a communication disorder, the first thing that needs to be done is to enhance their ability to communicate their desires and to understand what they need to do. The websites below are all related to the use of applied behavior analysis methods of teaching children with autism.

    Applied Behavior Analysis has proven strategies for teaching children to communicate. It is widely used in many private schools that teach children with ASD exclusively. Unfortunately, it hasn't really reached the public school in the way that it should. They want to focus on academics and they punish behaviors that the children cannot help.

    The last site is for the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. It has all of the research on teaching methods for children and adults with ASD.

  7. www.

  8. The autism research institute.Check out some autism bio-med groups on yahoogroups.

  9. my fav site and my dd just graduated last spring is  this has all spec ed info on every topic on ieps to your state laws etc. you can call them and get free info. they were a great help in over 20 yrs of spec ed for us.

    also see sort the info by your state or locale

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