
What are good websites for a five year old boy?

by  |  earlier

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these are the one i all ready know:

pbskids, playhousedisney, hotwheels, nickjr




  1. I agree that a book is a good option, but the world today requires that children start on the computer young.  These are some websites I would recommend:

    Look for phonics in websites that will help with reading activities.  Ask you child's teacher for some ideas as well.


    This is a great website to reinforce and introduce reading skills!

  3. in my opinion, 5 yrs old child shouldnt has in touch wif computer. It was too early. As u know, using computer could b a harm to children, even in mind or health.

  4. Something that is appropriate for the boy.  If you dont want to sit their and watch you kid, then dont let him be online.

  5. I have a 5 year old who learned a lot from the site called  This site teaches letters and reading skills.  It's fun and educational.  The other people also listed nice sites.  My 5 year old also loves  You have to buy a stuffed animal (we get ours at Hallmark stores) and register it online in order to use the site.  There are games and also educational activities on the site.  Lots of fun.  Enjoy!

  6. Go to it has links to many sites that are suitable for young children.


  8. Let's face it, you're probably not going to be persuaded to keep your five-year-old from playing with the computer, though there is ample evidence you should limit the amount of time he spends on the Internet...and watching television...and playing video games. That said, there are some websites you might consider exploring, foremost among them is the aforementioned It is an excellent site for emergent readers! It has stories, songs, printouts, etc. There are a lot of activities your son can do safely with or without you there. Also, the Starlight Foundation's website is both educational and fun. It has games designed to help children with often debilitating diseases or conditions cope with the discomfort or anxiety caused by their illness (click on the second link and scroll down to see the programs). I like Quest for the Code. Edheads is a fun exploration site where you can explore the mechanics of simple machines or even perform virtual surgery (maybe your boy will be inspired to pursue a career in medicine). Children's author Jan Brett's website is full of activities for young children. You can watch her tell stories and your son can play interactive games on the site. Of course, there are Nick Jr, PBS Kids, Sesame Street, Disney, Cartoon Network and Noggin, though some are more suitable for older children. I would avoid any site where you have to buy something to interact with it, such as Webkinz, etc. I find such sites unseemly. I don't understand or appreciate the mystique sites like Webkinz hold for young people and I would avoid them at all cost. Well, I wish you success in your search. Do check out Starfall, though. It's great! I've used it extensively with preschool, kindergarten, and even first and second grade children in my work as an educator. By the way, if you want good book recommendations, don't hesitate to contact me. I would be happy to offer you many suggestions. Cheers!

  9. it is games to help them with ABC and reading let me know what you think

  10. Please get the child a book the web should come much later.

  11. well this website isnt very education but is sort of and really fun its neopets

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