
What are good yard sale prices for these baby items?

by  |  earlier

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I have tons of baby clothes and am unsure what I should ask for them.

Tell me how these prices sound:

Thin onesies: $.50

Jeans and nice shirts: $1

Sleepers with feet: $2

Baggie of 10 pairs of socks $2

5 Burp cloths $1

Winnie the pooh crib set (bumper,comforter, sheet, organizer, dust ruffle) $15

I also have a king size comforter set (sheets, dust ruffle, pillows, pillow cases, and comforter)---$20





  1. This is what i do for a living and your prices sound great i would not raise nothing except the crib set if it is in great shape do 20.00 as i never go up on my prices to just have to bring them down if someone offers less i just tell them no i have to have this out of it

    i have 4 yard sales well carport sales everyweek i buy things and resale and i think the prices are great but jeans you could actually get 2.00 a pair for the name brand pairs

    but looks great and good luck .

    oh yea also socks if you want i do .25 a pair and they sale great as some people like ones over others

    and if they have little stains make a basket for like 5 for a dollar and people will dig thru them to use for feeding shirts instead of bibs

  2. I think that sounds fair.  You may want to consider putting the sleepers and socks down to a dollar when it gets a little later on in the day.

  3. Sounds pretty good on the baby clothes, just try to keep matching sets together, and if something is a nicer brand like Gymboree and it's in great condition, don't be afraid to price it a little higher.  And with the crib set and the comforter set, I would go higher.  Maybe 20-25 on the crib set, and 25-30 on the king size.  Especially if they are still nice.  Remember people are going to try to bargain, so it's alright to set the price a little higher at the beginning, and if it doesn't sell after the first hour or two, you can take the price down.  Also, make sure everything is clearly priced with an individual sticker so people aren't constantly asking "how much is this??".  Yard sales can be fun if everything is organized well :)  Good luck!!

  4. those prices sound good but you should always ask for more than what you want because people like to haggle and wont want to pay asking price :)

  5. sounds good to me, I would pay those prices.

  6. i think you have great prices i would not change it..

  7. Too high.  Cut prices in half.

  8. that sounds good to me...i had a yard sale about a year or two ago with those same items and thats about what i charged and i made a good profit!

  9. I think your prices sound great...actually a little low!

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