
What are goood extra curricular activites to do to get in a good college?

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im 13 right now and im already thinking of what good extra curicular activites would be good to get in a good college.

ive been doing band for 3 years and im quiting after this one.

is that good enough?

helpp please.




  1. Many scholarships you might win are based largely on extra-curricular activities.  Leadership skills, thinking skills, volunteer work, helping your community, and taking initiative are things to keep in mind.

  2. It depends on what you are interested in. Do you like:

    Helping people - join a community service club

    Performing - drama club, band, dance, music classes

    Academics - Honor societies

    Athletics - Baseball, basketball, soccer, ect.

    The actually club that you are involved in, truthfully, doesn't matter. Colleges like to see two things for extracurriculars. These are consistency/dedication, meaning the same club(s) for all four years of high school, and leadership positions (President, Treasurer, Secretary).

    Side note: Colleges will ONLY care about extracurriculars that you did in High School. The fact that you took three years of band in middle school (I am assuming since you are 13) will not matter because they request that you only put High school extracurriculars on your application. Therefore, I wouldn't consider three years of band enough for the college application process.

    Best of luck!

  3. As you said that you do band for  3 years it's good but you also participate in various sport's activity like cricket, footwall and other indoor games also  which help to you get a good collage  

  4. you dont need extra curriculars , you need a good grade average and money for tuition , focus on your GPA , find the money for tuition and you are home free , even george bush has a degree and hes as smart as a turnip

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