
What are goood pranks to play on april fools day on your friends?

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What are goood pranks to play on april fools day on your friends?




  1. while one of your friends is sleeping, put whipped cream in their hand and then get a stick and poke their head. they get irritated and smack the whipped cream all over their face. lol happy pranking :]

  2. buy some heinz french mustard and squirt it somewhere appropriate. the french mustard looks like poo! imagine what your friends will think!  

  3. get an empty bottle and fill it with water, put the lid on and, using a needle or something, poke a few small holes in the bottom, give them the bottle and when they open it all the water starts coming out the holes but while the lid is on it wont because of pressure or something

    (i suck at science)

  4. I like the one where you toss your friends the keys to their car and tell them it's in great condition and running better than ever. Then when they go looking for it you pop out and say "APRIL FOOLS!! Your car is at the bottom of a lake and whats left of the beer ya had in the fridge is in the car too!! (*Smile Real Big* =D)"

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