
What are guys thinking about when they look at a girl?

by  |  earlier

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i was wondering,whats going through a guys head when he is staring intently at a girl he hardly knows, or doesn't even know at all. im talking more specifically guys ages 16-20.

this guy,gave me this stare the other day, it was so intense.. i don't know what to make of it.




  1. I guess it depends on the guy. Most are probably thinking something sexual. However, myself -- I am just people watching. I always look around at people.

  2. Usually...s*x

  3. If you are good looking, then one would assume picturing you naked. if you are ugly then something along the lines oh "Holy c**p do you see that thing!"

  4. S






    what else?


  5. I'm not in the 16-20 age group, but when I look at a female, my thoughts vary depending on the female I am looking at.

  6. Depends on the guy, but thoughts of s*x are pretty much constant.

  7. He thinks you're cute?

  8. first i look at the lips and then the eyes ,  and yep when  a person looks at you intensely , he just wants to know more about you, so that he can get closer to you

  9. "Phhwwooooaaaaahhh"...

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