
What are herbal remedies made out of for horses?

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i need to know what herbal remedies are made of so i can use some of them on my horse.




  1. There are lots of different herbal remedies - bach flower remedies, physical and emotional ones. Bach flower tend to calm horses down and make them less nervous. Emotional sort of ones can help horses adjust to new places, help grieving and physical can help allergies and wounds heal. I dont know particular ones but I know the categories they fall into!

  2. the herbs that are in it will very with what its to treat.kinda need to know whats wrong the your horse, to be specific.

  3. Herbal remedies are made from the same thing legitimate drugs are made from.  With the exception of synthetic (man made) drugs, all drugs come from natural sources.  Herbal remedies are no more than drugs that are not regulated by any governing body such as the FDA.  Years of studies go in to testing and approving drugs....herbal remedies are not regulated and go through none of that testing, just so you know that.  Most "testing" of herbal remedies is anecdotal, meaning someone used it and said it worked.  When you read testimonials, realize that they are subjective, and that large controlled studies have not been performed to prove the efficacy or determine contraindications, side effects, or potential adverse reactions as is done with FDA approved drugs.  It is all chemistry....chemicals in different combinations are drugs .....herbal remedies or otherwise.

  4. Good Lord, I read the title of this question and thought, "Who the heck thinks herbal remedies are made out of horses?!"

    You have to look at the ingredients lists, and then look up each individual herb.  That's really the only way.  What problems is your horse having that you are interested in using herbs for?

  5. As the word suggests, herbal remedies are mainly made out of herbs lol!

    You use different herbs depending on the horse's problem. For example, lavender calms the horse and garlic can get rid of flies.

    Bach flower remedies are the best bet for your horse. Buy them(they're only about £3) from your local health food shop. Also buy a book on the subject. Good luck x

    Above: Good site, find out how to make your own herbal remedies :)

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