
What are his intentions with me?

by  |  earlier

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I just got out of a 3 year relationship. I don’t think either one of us has kept in touch with our mutual friends. The other day my ex, Bob, called one of our friends, we'll call him Alex. Bob was telling Alex how we broke up and that I had to put a restraining order out on him. Well Alex cut the conversation with Bob short, and called me. I wasn’t at home he left a message for me to call him back. So I did, Alex was like are you ok? He said he was worried about me after Bob told him about the restraining order. So we talk for a bit and I told him some of the things that he didn’t know about Bob and me relationship. After we got off the phone I got a text message saying that "I really enjoyed our conversation and that I hope in not out of line but I've been feeling you for a while." So I replied that I didn’t think he was out of line and that I enjoyed our convo as well and told him that he was more than welcome to come our when he got done with what he was doing. So an hour later a knock at my door, there he is.

Let me give you some background on him: He is living with his child’s mother; they have been having much of the same problems that my ex and I experienced for a while now.

So to continue... we sat around and talked for hours. He was telling me about what was going on at home and how it was pretty bad, and the only reason that he hasn’t packed up and left was his child. So we just kept on talking so now it’s like 3 am and I am worn out. So im like, "im going to lie down and watch a movie." So I get my pillow and lay in the living room floor and he asks me if he can have a blanket and I tell him he can share mine.

Wait I know I shouldn’t have done that, shame on me....

So we lay and watch this movie and cuddle and things go from there. Well the next morning we get up and I take him back to his house and he says I'll call you in a little while. So he does and we talk or whatever. Everyday since then we have been talking.

So I guess long story short. What are his intentions with me? I think I’m developing feelings and don't want this to be just a booty call. What should I do.......?




  1. alls fair in love and war.

    if you want him take him.

    s***w his girlfriend.

  2. To be honest with you, I cant tell what his intentions could be. If this man has feelings for you, you let him come to you BUT dont open up to fast only because you know he is still with his childs wife, and he has a child, You dont want to end up hurt again.

    Take things slow with him and let time take over from there. Get to know him and keep the relationship  the way it is until you feel comfortable to open up. Which im sure you do because you invited him to your house and  you were willing to give him details on your last relationship.

    Respect yourself and youll be respected

    Take things slow and Good luck

  3. i think you should talk to him about what's going on between you guys. basically, feelings will open up and you'll know forsure and not just assume & hope .

  4. your just a piece of ***

  5. alll men want is s*x

  6. you'd better wake up and smell the coffee! don't want a booty call! oops, too late!

  7. Well wait it out and see if you really have feelings for him and vise versa

    if you already slept with him(s*x)make it a point not to do it again until he leaves his current relationship and the two of you are exclusive with one another.Trust me this will make things so much more special.Good luck!

  8. There is nothing you can do I mean he lives with another women and even though they do fight and argue since it's there don't you think he gets it there.

    As far as I can see you were just the booty call, your fault.

    But just wait and see what happens. Next time don't be so quick to give it up.

  9. It doesn't sound like a booty call. Sounds like he really likes you. If he's talking sharing and wants to do more than just jump in the sax, he's smitten.

    That's not to say you don't have a challange ahead. The reality of playing muscial chairs down the road could get messy and it may be the main reason he would pull back from commiting to the next step. Its something you going to have to talk about with him, and watch him, if he has all the plans, but not actually doing ANY of them...he's afriad to pull the trigger. If he's crazy about can still pull out a victory if you declare ultimatium before it goes on too long. Once the guy gets comfortable though with not having to take action...he will stay think he can somehow convince you to maintain the status qou.

    This is horrible advice, as it will break up a home if there is still a chance for thm. But if it's already over inside the home...i.e. he's stopped being mad at her,..just doesn't care what his wife/ex does..and wants her to find another probably have a good chance of not being a 'homewrecker' and landing your guy.

    Ack...I hate  HATE divorce, but I really REALLY understand people getting married when they really and no idea who the other person was or what thier core values are. They don't work, and the mistake is not getting to know those things before you actually tied the knott.  

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