
What are historical events that happend between 1995-2008?

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What are historical events that happend between 1995-2008?




  1. In no real order (just as they come to my mind)

    1. Clinton impeachment/s*x scandal

    2. 9/11 terrorist attacks

    3. Iraqi War

    4. War in Afghanistan and the beginning of the War on Terror

    5. Bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa

    6. Human rights violations in Darfur, and the events there have been called genocide by the United States.

    7. 2008 Presidential election- close race and nowhere near over.

    8. California has a recall election that leads to the rising of Arnold Schwarzenegger (he becomes governor).  Governor Gray Davis is recalled.

    9. School shootings- Columbine, Virginia Tech, Northern Illinois University

    10. Terrorist attack in Madrid, Spain 3/11/2004

    11. Y2K scare

    12. Suharto falls from power and later resigns.  He was the leader of Indonesia.

    13. The capture and execution of Saddam Hussein (tied in with Iraqi war, I know).

    14. 2004 U.S. Presidential election- Bush beats Kerry.

    15. 2000 USA Presidential election- Bush wins and beats Gore in a very controversial election

    16. Civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (which used to be called Zaire).

    17. War breaks out between Somalia and Ethopia.

    18. The US economy started to get worse after being very strong in the 90s.

    Yeah its a lot and I hope it helps ^^.  Hope it isn't too much.

  2. Sept. 11th terrorist attacks.

    Clinton Lewinsky scandal.

    A Black man and a Woman making it this far in the presidential race.


    speaking of internet...use google for more historical events.

  3. 9/11, y2k scare

  4. September 11th 2001 (9-11)

  5. we're going through a recession

    housing crisis

    the war in Iraq

    The Catholic church scandal brought to public


  6. Oklahoma City bombing

    Yahoo! founded

    eBay founded

    World Trade Center bombing

    cloning of Dolly the sheep

    Columbine School shootings

  7. Twin Towers

    Bush being elected for president

    Yani is a wife beater

    Hugh Grant picks up a hooker

    France doesnt support America

    America is outsourcing jobs to France

    Heath Ledger, James Brown, Ray Charles, Tu Pac, ODB , left eye all died

  8. oklahoma city bombing, the twin towers and pentagon attack (9-11),  the tsunami in thailand, hurricane katrina and hurricane rita

  9. Britney Spears' downfall

  10. aw, i love britney.. don't hate..


    -princess diana's death

    -bill clinton's affair

    -september 11th

    -tsunami in 2004

    -hurricane katrina

  11. Iraq war

    hillary and obama


    impeachment trial of President Clinton


    princess diana???

  12. Uhh...September 11th 2001

  13. 9/11 DUH

  14. death of pope

    assasination of bezonir bhutto

    Hanging of Saddam Hussien

    Death of mother Teresa

    boxing day Tsunami in phuket

    Earthquake in pakistan

  15. hurricane katrina!!  we still recovering!

  16. s*x and the city .

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