
What are holidays in Germany?

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What are holidays in Germany?




  1. Holidays are plentiful in Germany. I couldn't begin to tell you what each of them is celebrating, but they are mostly religious holidays.

  2. This site has the best overview of holidays and explains them a bit.

  3. fraitag


  5. The same definition as in other countries.




    September 22 Harvest Home, day roughly equals night (equi-nox). Around the Autumnal Equinox Oktoberfests and Germanfests are held.

    End of September Oktoberfests in Germany and North America.

    September 26 1st Austrian American Day in 1997. Presidential Praise.

    September 29 St. Michaelistag/Michaelmas

    1st Sunday in Oct. Erntedankfest / Thanksgiving in Germany

    October 1 First Germans at Jamestown, Va in 1608.

    October 2 German Canadian Day. Related links.

    October 3 Tag der deutschen Einheit - Day of German Unity

    October 6 German-American Day

    October 31 Reformationstag - Reformation Day

    Cross Quarter Day

    October 31  Halloween, the last day of Fall, separates Autumnal Equinox from Midwinter Solstice. One of the year's most significant pagan fests.


    November 1 All Saints' Day - All Hallows/Allerheiligen (official holiday)

    November 2 All Souls' Day - Allerseelen

    November 9 Fall of the Wall and Kristallnacht remembered

    November 11 St. Martin's Day; kicks-off Karneval in some areas.

    3rd Sunday in Nov. Volkstrauertag - Memorial Day.

    Wed. before Totensonntag Buss- und Bettag - Day of Repentance and Prayer (official holiday)  

    November 25 Heilige Katharina

    Last Sunday before Advent Totensonntag - Sunday of the Dead. Protestant.

    4th Thursday in Nov. American Thanksgiving compared to German Erntedankfest.

    1st Sunday after Nov 26 Advent begins, ends on Xmas eve; Christmas Markets open.

    November 30 St. Andreas/St. Andrew

    December 4 St. Barbara

    December 5 and 6 St. Nikolaus/St. Nicholas: historical, Santa, holiday.

    December 8 Mariä Empfängnis and Weihnachtskrippen

    December 13 St. Lucia: Festival of Lights. Italian & Swedish traditions, songs.  

    Hanukkah The story, celebration, recipes, rituals, games, resources, Yiddish.

    Kwanzaa An African Midwinter Festival.  

    Ramadan Islamic festival. Related issue of Turks in Germany.



    Dec. 21 the point at which the sun reaches its greatest declination, north;

    the beginning of the solar new year, celebrated with bonfires.  

    December 21 St. Thomas: the doubting Thomas

    Christmas Background, religion, customs, teaching, countless links!

    December 24  Tree is put up. Midnight "Christ Mass". 1st day of Xmas.

    December 25/26 Christmas / Weihnachten (official holidays in Germany).

    December 26 Boxing Day in England

    December 31 Silvester/New Year's Eve

    January 1 Neujahr/New Year's Day. Poems.

    January 6 Three Kings and Epiphany - ends the 12 days of Xmas.

    3rd Monday in Jan. ML King, Jr. Day. German-Americans and civil rights.

    Cross Quarter Day

    February 1 Groundhog/Candlemas Day is the quarter point between the Midwinter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox.  


    February 2 Groundhog and Candlemas Day (Maria Lichtmess)

    February 14  St. Valentin/Valentine's Day  

    2006 Karneval - Fastnacht - Fasching. Preparations began on 11.11 - Martinstag.  

    Thursday, Feb 23, 2006 Weiberfasnacht / Old Wives Carnival: women have "Narrenfreiheit"

    Sunday Faschingssonntag / Greasy Sunday

    Monday Feb 27, 2006 Rosenmontag. Famous Parade televised from Cologne

    Shrove Tues/Mardi Gras Faschingsdienstag: all parties stop when clock strikes Midnight

    Ash Wed March 1, 2006  Aschermittwoch

    . Purim: Jewish celebration of religious freedom.

    March 17 St. Patrick's Day: Irish-German connection?

    March 25 The Annunciation / Maria Verkündigung (9 mos. to Xmas) Lätare(3rd Sun. pre Easter)

    April 9, 2006 Palmsonntag / Palm Sunday begins Holy Week. Last Sunday before Easter.

    April 13, 2006  Gründonnerstag - Maundy Thursday

    April 14, 2006  Karfreitag / Good Friday

    April 16, 2006 Easter / Ostern: background, customs, celebration.  

    . Pesach / Passover  



    March 20 Vernal Equinox. Rebirth of Nature, night & day each appx.12 hours.

    April 1 April, April / April Fool's Day  

    April 6 Scottisch-American Day  

    Cross Quarter Day

    April 30 May Eve/Walpurgisnacht, the last day of Spring, cross quarter day separating Vernal Equinox from Midsummer Solstice.


    May 1 May Day / Maifeier / Tag der Arbeit.

    May 25, 2006 Christi Himmelfahrt Ascension: 40 days after Easter. Father's Day

    Shavuos/Pentecost Jewish festival 50 days after Passover.  

    May 11-15  Die Eisheiligen

    June 4, 2006  Pfingsten / Pentecost - Whitsunday

    June 15, 2006 Trinitas, Fronleichnam, Corpus Christi: 50 days after Easter



    June 20 Midsummer Solstice is the point at which the sun reaches its greatest declination south. Sonnwend/Midsummer Night

    June 24 Johannistag - Summer Solstice - Midsummer Night.

    July 1 Canada Day

    July 4 US Independence Day plus the Declaration in German.

    August 1 Founding of the Confederatio Helvetia in 1291.

    August 15 Maria Himmelfahrt - Assumption of our Lady

  8. ferien?

  9. it seems like they have one every week when i was there!!!  all the stores were closed because of a "German Holiday"

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