
What are holistic or natural strategies for high blood pressure?

by Guest62024  |  earlier

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I got to wait a month before I can risk an official diagnosis so I don't get the "pre-existing" catch 22 when insurance kicks in. Thanks





  2. Life Extension Foundation Recommendations

    Endothelial dysfunction is closely linked to high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular risk. Management of high blood pressure, a critical factor in endothelial risk, requires frequent self-monitoring and a multifaceted approach, including taking blood pressure–lowering medications, making lifestyle changes, and watching your diet and nutritional intake. Life Extension recommends people strive for an optimal blood pressure of 115/75 mm Hg.

    Because many of the nutrients that lower blood pressure act along the same metabolic pathways as blood pressure–lowering medications, it is important to let your physician know which supplements you are taking before beginning conventional blood pressure medication.

    Nutrients that may help lower blood pressure include:

    C12 casein peptide—200 to 400 milligrams (mg)/day

    Grape seed extract—150 to 300 mg/day

    Pomegranate extract—50 to 100 mg/day

    Arjuna bark extract—250 to 500 mg twice a day

    Calcium—1200 to 1500 mg/day

    CoQ10—100 to 300 mg/day

    Garlic—1200 mg/day

    Hawthorn berry extract—240 mg twice a day between meals

    L-arginine—2000 mg three times a day between meals

    Magnesium—500 mg/day (or more), based on maximum bowel tolerance and hypotensive effect; take the most at night before bed

    Olive leaf extract—500 mg/day

    Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)—1400 mg/day of EPA and 1000 mg/day of DHA

    Potassium—99 mg/day (or more) when instructed to do so by a health care professional, based on blood test results

    Soy protein—17 to 34 grams (g)/day

    Taurine—1000 to 6000 mg/day

    Vitamin C—1 to 3 g/day

    Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol succinate)—400 International Units (IU)/day with about 200 mg of gamma-tocopherol

    Link to full protocol below.

    Good Luck!!!

  3. Commitment to at least 30 minutes of exercise 4 times per week.

    · Practice Breathing exercises 10 minutes a day

    · Supplement with fish oil concentrate.

    · Supplement with the

    · Supplement with CoQ10: This enzyme is the “spark-plug” for energy production in your heart. It is made within your body, but individuals with high blood pressure are often deficient due to the extra burden that the heart is under. Supplementing with CoQ10 alone leads to an average blood pressure reduction of 15/10mmHg!

    Also implement the nutritional changes in the general nutrition section. Look in the mirror. If there are veins bulging out of your forehead and you hear cuss words coming out of your mouth you will benefit greatly from practicing some form of stress reduction. Regular use of a vegetable juicer will supply you with plenty of vitamins and minerals to promote healthy blood pressure—be sure to use celery and parsley daily. One of the easiest ways to bring blood pressure down is to simply cut out table salt. Use potassium substitutes or Celtic sea salts instead—these are safe to use in small to moderate amounts. Don’t worry, your palate will quickly become accustomed to less salt.

    Net reference

  4. If you cut out regular table salt and switch to a natural mineral salt you will see an improvement. Regular table salt is horrible for you. Its just highly refined sodium chloride leading to all of the well known undesirable side effects. Table salt causes the body to retain water, causing swelling, edema, and cellulite, high blood pressure. In my opinion the best salt to use is a natural mineral salt. I have tried many, but the one I have come to like the most is Himalayan Salt. It has almost all of the essential minerals that your body needs and they occur naturally, no added c**p. Here is a link to the website where I get mine. I hope this helps you. I know it has helped me. Many Blessings.

  5. There are a few non-medication things you can try.  Start with eliminating sodium- not just the salt in the shaker.  Salt takes lots of forms, usually a preservative starting or containing the word "sodium" in the list of ingredients.  That will eliminate most packaged foods, and most fast foods- as well as a lot of restaurant food.  Add some garlic to the diet, raw form is best, and you can get garlic oil capsules.  Try mediation, or at least try to make short periods of time when you are quiet and just relaxing- without the electronic gizmos, etc around you going off.  Get physical exercise, which helps blow off stress aggivated higher blood pressure.   Those will help if you have borderline hypertension- but they won't drop down the really high readings.  If you are talking blood pressures under 160 or so , it can work.   If you are talking upper numbers closer to 180, then you might not be so lucky.  At that point, you are really talking the necessity of meds to lower it.  Good luck though- just think calm thoughts.

  6. Crategous ox Q,5 drops in 1/2 cup of water daily prevents left ventricular hypertrophy.Extremly recommended for strength of heart.

    Rauwlfia serpentina Q,same a specific for hypertension.twice daily.

    In traditional homeopathy,taking lachasis1m 3 pills daily will do the job.

    or in hypertension with headache,3 pills of belladonna 30,thrice daily,will work.

    besides,exercise,diet and yoga will prove to be synergistic.

  7. So in other words, a plant based-whole foods diet, with little to no animal protein. A good book to read is "The China Study" by Colin T. Campbell. This book will go more into depth on natural ways of preventing and curing any type of ailment.

  8. Here is an article with some very useful information

    Also google....natural treatment high blood pressure

    Diet, and lifestyle along with supplements may lower your blood pressure, if you do choose to go on medication, these measures can often help medication be more effective

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