
What are human's purpose in the world?

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We destroy the planet, kill animals, cut trees. So...would the world (meaning animals and stuff) be better off without us? Or do we serve some purpose?

I mean...All we do, really, is just be at the top of the food chain.




  1. Man's ultimate purpose is to worship, love, and be pleasing to God. Sadly, though, we do a terrible job of it. :(

  2. no life form has any cosmic purpose, all life is a big accident

  3. Man & woman were created for a very special purpose by the creator of the heavens and the earth.  The animals and plant life are for man's pleasure also created by God.  Our purpose here on earth is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and to let others know that there is hope in this life, because of the price that Christ paid on the Cross so that we, as God's children, can spend eternity with Him.  He loves you very much and wants to have a personal relationship with you.  Will you ask Him to come into your life and accept His offer of salvation by the sacrifice of His blood for you?

  4. I believe the Earth is a living organism in its own right, and, like all other organisms, it needs to reproduce itself. Humans are the planet's means of doing so, by colonizing other planets. We won't just take ourselves, but we'll have to take part of the biosphere with us, recreating the Earth somewhere else.

  5. Its all a matter of choice and opinion

  6. Agent Smith says that the purpose of all to end.  Can't say I agree with that assessment.

    There is no "Purpose with a capital P" for humanity.  We are just another species of animal, along with the millions of others we have shared this planet with.  We are not separate from this planet, opposed to it.  The planet is not sentient; it neither knows about us nor cares about our actions.  Thus, any question of whether the planet would be "better" without us is meaningless.  "Better" and "worse" are purely human judgments.

    Indeed, in the past hundreds of millions of years there have been untold countless species that have arisen, hung around for a few million years (think about how long that is!), then gone extinct, never leaving a mark.  Their entire millions-year-long existence will remain forever unknown to us, simply because none of them happened to leave a surviving fossil.  That necessarily includes a few then-dominant lifeforms.

    We humans are the current dominant life form, and odds are near certain that we are the most intelligent so far in Earth's history.  We're also quite likely the first species to give a d**n about any species other than our own, and that is both a blessing and a curse.

    The evolution of human intelligence was a survival mechanism, since we are otherwise such a weak and fragile species.  We used to be easy pickings for any predator on the savanna.  It is this intelligence which has allowed our species to survive, flourish and rise above the others.  So really, it actually doesn't make much sense to think of humans as evil.  We are the products of natural evolution, of this planet itself.

    Nevertheless, if you'd like a picture of what the planet would be like if all humans were to suddenly vanish tomorrow, check out the book below.

  7. If everyone did their part to stop the corruption of the planet it wouldn't be the way it is. Power, greed and money get in the way.

  8. the purpose of humans is to discover their purpose.

  9. its a dog eat dog world

  10. Poor deluded JCFreak.

    Like all dumb animals, just accept that we haven't got and will never have a decent clue.

    Can't cope with the lack of certainty? Have someone invent a mythical  fantasy; call it a Religion, and believe in that.

    Meanwhile, just do you're best to treat everyone the way you'd like them to treat you and strive for human egalitarianism.

  11. We are here to recognize the glory and love of God, and to learn to grow as eternal, spiritual beings.  The world is here for us; without us, it would be incomplete.    One of the ways in which you can become a more loving person is to care for the living world.  Also, to remember and share the glories which God has revealed to you can be a a very worthy purpose.  We are a terrible force for destruction, but we must learn the lessons we are being taught, so always be sure to show love and respect to the teacher.

  12. Are you suggesting that the world would be a much tidier place if there were no people in it?  I am inclined to agree, but that is not sufficient reason to do away with humankind.

    I often wonder about the thought process that goes into your question. I have seen it and its variations (what is the meaning of life) more times than I can count.  

    If you are a religious person, you do not need to ask that question here because your religion dictates answers.  If you are not a religious person, you should be able to accept the fact that there is not conscious plan to the universe.  Purpose requires intent and intent requires consciousness.  To say that there is a purpose to human life is to say there is a consciousness responsible for the origin of human life.  Since you are not a religious person (or you would not have to ask that question here), you should accept that there is no god making a plan to manage the universe.

    What can we do now that we know and accept that there is no "purpose" and no consciousness guiding our existence?  We are animals like other animals except that we are smarter and are able to take more control over our environment.  Like other animals, we raise our young and try to live our own lives as well as we can.  Because we are social and philosophical animals, we think about what it takes to live a better life.  

    Live a good life.  Take care of the people in your life who care about you.  Raise your children to be good people.  Be generous without being taken advantage of.  Be kind without being too soft.  Be strong without being too hard.  Love your family.

    Do not expect some external supernatural force to give your life meaning.  You have to give your life meaning.  The best meaning you can give your life is to live it well and love those who love you.

  13. Other than messing with nature, I don't see we have a purpose.

    Mankind depresses me and I really wish I had a purpose. I could argue, but I'd be over-ruled. Frankly, I've given up.

    I could care less if I do anything, ever again.

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