
What are hybrid vehicles and how do they help preventing global warming?

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  1. Let me start off by saying we (my family and I) live 100% off of the grid and are completely self-sufficient with a 0% Carbon footprint. I believe this is the first step anyone can make “help the environment”. Once you convert your own life style to a greener more eco friendly route, you can start helping others.

    Alternative Fuels, also known as non-conventional fuels, are any materials or substances that can be used as a fuel, other than conventional fuels. Conventional fuels include: fossil fuels (petroleum (oil), coal, propane, & natural gas), & also in some instances nuclear materials such as uranium. Some well known alternative fuels include biodiesel, ethanol, butanol, chemically stored electricity (batteries & fuel cells), hydrogen, methane, natural gas, vegetable oil, biomass, & peanut oil.

    Now alternative (or renewable) energy is a little different…

    Renewable energy flows involve natural phenomena such as sunlight, wind, tides & geothermal heat. Each of these sources has unique characteristics which influence how & where they are used.

    Short but sweet that’s the specifics of it. If you’re interested in using some form of alternative fuel or renewable energy in your vehicle or home, feel free to contact me. I live 100% off the grid on alternative energy and have converted many vehicles to run on biodiesel, ethanol, hydrogen and EV.

    In fact I currently run 2 trucks, my home hot water heater, home stove and home generator on hydrogen and one car is EV. I offer step by step DIY guides to walk anyone threw the process if you’re interested. You can find them at

    www agua-luna com

    Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at  www agua-luna com on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.

    Dan Martin

    Alterative Energy / Sustainable Consultant, Living 100% on Alternative & Author of How One Simple Yet Incredibly Powerful Resource Is Transforming The Lives of Regular People From All Over The World... Instantly Elevating Their Income & Lowering Their Debt, While Saving The Environment by Using FREE ENERGY... All With Just One Click of A Mouse...For more info Visit:  

    www AGUA-LUNA com

    Stop Global Warming!!!

  2. Hybrids are cars that use both gasoline and electricity in the motor. At low speeds, typically under 30, the electric engine powers the car. However, while driving over, the gasoline engine powers the car. A cool thing about Hybrids is that the engine turns off when the car is stopped. Also, going down hill charges the electric battery.

    A Hybrid does not prevent Global Warming, but it does cut Carbon Dioxide emissions (Carbon Dioxide heats up the earths atmosphere by reflecting hot air that would normally go into space). Because the car is partly electric-powered, it emits less carbon dioxide which is the by-product of gasoline. So if everyone was to drive Hybrids, it would slow Global Warming because it produces less Carbon Dioxide.

  3. If the warming that we experienced in the 20th century is mostly caused by man burning fossil fuels, which I don't believe is true, then hybrid vehicles burn less fuel. Hybrids are basically an electric car that can use stored energy from the batteries when the load is heavy and the engine only recharges the batteries. They have a smaller engine that is used to generate electricity to charge the batteries only. The engine can run in it's optimum RPM range for maximum efficiency in a hybrid as opposed to running under heavy load as is required in a conventional gas powered vehicle when it accelerates.

    A plug in hybrid could get you to work and back on the batteries and then recharge from the electrical grid when you get back home allowing you to burn no fuel and possibly even charge from solar, nuclear or wind powered sources. If you go on long trips, the plug in hybrid still has a small efficient engine to charge the batteries. Diesel engines are more efficient than gasoline engines and they can run on natural gas, which we have plenty of. Feeding natural gas to a diesel engine is like installing a supercharger on a gasoline engine. A more powerful, smaller, lighter engine would greatly reduce fuel consumption and natural gas burns much cleaner than gasoline or diesel.

    While I don't believe in man-made global warming, I do believe in reducing our dependency on oil and reducing pollution. I don't think carbon taxes or government regulation is the best avenue to get there. If people demand more efficient vehicles and less pollution, then the automakers who provide them will be successful and the one who don't will suffer. Who wants to buy gasoline at these prices and who wants to breath foul air?

  4. A motor cycle disigned by two guys at coimbatore tamil nadu  the vehicle run in petrol as well as battery  while running a generator produces electric current to charge the battery  this runs up to 80 kms p h and up to 80 kms in battery so there is no smoke or hear if battery failed we can switch over to petrol till the battery gets charged and so on so surly this prevents global heating

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