
What are important things to know when working with (riding) a young horse?

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When you're working with a younger horse, what are some important things to know, such as mistakes or errors you should never make? Just wondering, thanks.




  1. you need to be very patient.this is a baby and has no clue what you are asking him to do until you teach him. don't expect alot from him at first. always leave off on a good note. for example if you are teaching him to side pass, only ask for about 1 or 2 steps, then reward him with praise, and move on to something else. cause if you ask for something and he doesn't do it right and get frustrated and just throw him back in the pasture b/c then next time he knows that when you ask for the same thing and he does what he did before then he know he can get away with doing it that way.

  2. When i see trainers I see the same mistake. DO NOT EVER continue to use a cue that does not work the 1st time.

    i.e press on the horse's chest, the very MILLISECOND he leans back. withdraw your hand. Ad the vocal cue. If for any reason he stops or does not respond to the cue, DO NOT continue to use it, it means nothing to him.

    When training a young horse remember you are dominate. You are above him and he needs to follow YOU.

    SOFT HANDS, I can not say enough about supple soft hands and gentle seat. It is far more comfortable for him and your message is clear.

    Never get nervious

    NEVER use food as a reward. the reward is no pressure/ pat/ vocal/etc.

    Always end on a good note

    Having a calm experienced horse work with him can also help

    When in doubt hire a trainer

    NEVER punish a horse with harsh phsyical contact, this teaches fear and puts you in a threat position. Not a leader. A frim, quick, and IMMEDIATE snap, flick, or 'crack' ( snapping the halter down quickly) will teaching him this action make my halter move unpleasentlty (not associating it with you) or 'I pushed him, he flicked me unpleasently. I must not be allowed to do that, I do not want to get flicked again.'

    Do not look at your horse or face him when you discipline him (this can be hard sometimes) Try not to have him associate you with the discipline, If he thinks too much he'll find away around it. Or a different thing to do. Or worse think of you as a threat.

    Calm mind counts and a bond goes a long way.

  3. Be consistent. Make them mind their manners at all times and have punishment for bad manners be swift and to the level of the infraction. and dont get frustrated cause then they will and you get nothing done.

  4. The most important thing to remember is that an inexperienced rider should not work with an inexperienced horse without a very experienced horse person in attendance. Otherwise it's a trip to the emergency room waiting to happen.

    Make sure that the horse is physically and mentally mature enough for whatever you are asking it to do.

    Consistency is key.

    Be firm.

    Do not get angry.

    One step at a time is okay.

    If you get one step in the right direction quit for the day. Don't push it.

  5. Always give the same cues again and again.  Yes...called being consistant.

    Don't get angry

    Remember this is a 'baby' and doesn't know what you are asking until it has a chance to learn.

    Never allow the horse to 'win' a lesson by throwing a fit so they don't have to work.

    Never start a lesson that you are not willing to finish on a good matter how long it takes.  I had to work 3 hours one day just for turning a circle to the right.  Most of it...just standing there and waiting for the horse to give in to me.

    Make the lessons EASY.  For example...don't expect a butt dropping stop, before your horse knows to stop with the whoa command EVERY single time and at all gaits.  Break your lessons into baby steps.

    Don't expect perfection.  some days...just moving in the right direction...even if it's not a good place to stop for the day.

    But always insist on good manners.

    Discipline when needed...and immediately.

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