
What are in traditional Japanese bento boxes?

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And where can I find the boxes themselves as well as the food?




  1. The boxes you should be able to find at an Asian market. If you want very high quality lacquer boxes, you'll need to find a Japanese furnishings store, possibly online.

    As for the usual contents, I think they vary by region and meal. But a dinner box will usually have sushi or sashimi, sumomono salad, a protein like chicken or beef perhaps prepared teriyaki style, and another vegetable or salad, perhaps gyoza.

  2. This website has great info, tips & recipes:

  3. My favorite bento is called noriben (weaweed bento)

    I think most people in Japan love it.  

    It is so simple.  put rice and add weaweed then pour soy souce.(not too much though)  That is it.  I love is so much.

    Seaweed should tear randomly.  Not too big.

    I love with cooked mini winners and cooked sweet egg rolls.  Egg rolls are not spring rolls though.  Egg add suger and cook.  It is a little sweet and most Americans do not like it.  I make my friends try it and none of them like it.....

    Also I cook fried boneless chickin.  It is very good.  It is called karaage.  You need minched garlic and soy source and cooking sake.  Mix together and add the chicken for a while.  After that add flour and fry it.  That is so tasty too.

  4. Bentō (弁当 or べんとう, Bentō?) is a single-portion takeout or home-packed meal common in Japanese cuisine. A traditional bento consists of rice, fish or meat, and one or more pickled or cooked vegetables as a side dish. Containers range from disposable mass produced to hand crafted lacquerware. Although bento are easily available in many places throughout Japan, including convenience stores, bento shops (弁当屋, bentō-ya?), train stations, and department stores, it is still common for Japanese homemakers to spend considerable time and energy producing an appealing boxed lunch.

    Bento can be very elaborately arranged. Contests are often held where homemakers can compete for the most aesthetically pleasing arrangements. The food is decorated to look like people, animals, or characters and items such as flowers and plants. This style of elaborate bento is called kyaraben.

    you can get it at the Japanese shop or online.

  5. meat or fish. rice. tempura or sashimi. soup. some sushi.

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