
What are international measures for the conservation of wildlife?

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What are international measures for the conservation of wildlife?




  1. For the Conservation of Wildlife the main and most important one ins CITES. The Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

    On its own its nothing more than a document listing the three categories of Flora and Fauna and their at risk classification. But when countries who signed on to CITES legislated this list in their own Statutes it then is quite effective.

    In Canada the statute giving CITES power is WAPPARITA.

    Hope this helps

  2. international limits on how many members of a given species can b killedmcaught etc....creation of criteria 4 determining whether flora/fauna r being endangered/close 2 becoming extinxt...educational programs 2 teach the unity of creation,prevention of cruelty 2 MOTHER NATURE eyc!

  3. EU habitats directive

    EU birds directive

  4. Prohibition of trade in animals or animal products.

    Anti hunting / fishing agreements.

    Establishment of reserves.

    Special breeding programs.

    Reintroduction of extinct or rare species to an area.

  5. *The RAMSAR convention on wetlands is an intergovernmental treaty.  It is the first of the modern global intergovernmental treaties on the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources.

    There is also CITES

    *Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (more than 150 countries involved)

    Other general measures include:

    *Fishing and hunting quotas specific to each area

    *Land reserves for sanctuaries

    *Zoos for conservation, breeding programs and rehabilitation of endangered species

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