
What are iron deficiency anemia, pericious anemia, hemolytic anemia, thalassemia, and (continued)?

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and and sickle cell anemia, and aplastic anemia? Which one results from a deficiency of vitamin B12?

Which results from destruction of red bone marrow from a variety in of drugs?




  1. Pernicious anemia is a form of anemia caused by decreased absorption of vitamin b-12.  This is normally due to a lack of a substance called intrinsic factor which is secreted by cells in your GI tract called parietal cells.  So, normally the problem isn't that a person is not taking in a sufficient amount of B-12 from their diet, but rather that the lack of intrinsic factor leads to not enough absorption of the B-12 that is present.  It makes sense then that pernicious anemia normally results from GI problems (gastritis etc.)

  2. Iron deficiency anemia is as it says, a lack of iron to make the hemoglobin

    pernicious anemia is lack of vitamin B-12

    hemolytic anemia is where the rbc's are lysed and the hemoglobin comes out. The color of the plasma is affected by the hemoglobin, can be caused by drug poisoning

    thalassemia is an inherited disease where hemoglobin is not made correctly

    sickle cell anemia is also enherited and the rbc's are ill formed and get clogged up in the veins

    aplastic anemia is caused by a cancerous problem and the cells are released too early

  3. hey, we learned this in my high school medical class.

    First of all, anemia is broken down into 2 root words. ("an" means "no" and "emia" means blood condition".)

    so anemia means "condition of little or no blood".

    Pernicuous anemia is a lack of mature red blood cells. (This is the one caused by the defieciency of vitamin b12.)

    Hemolytic anemia is the destruction of red blood cells. ("hemo" means blood, and  "lytic"means "pertaining to destruction"

    Thalassemia is a defect in the ability to produce hemoglobin.

    I hope I helped!


  5. Pernicious anaemia results from an inability to absorb vitamin B12 from the gut due to a lack of intrinsic factor which is needed to absorb B12 from food.  It is a form of megaloblastic anaemia.

    Sickle cell and thalassaemia result from abnormal amino acid substitutions in the protein chains that make up the haemaglobin molelule.  They are both haemaglobinopathies.  This results in the decreased lifespan of red cells produced and changes in red cell shape.

    Haemolytic anaemia results from the increased destruction of red cells.  This can be a result of drugs, antibodies to the red cells, hypersplenism etc.

    Iron deficiency anaemia is caused by lack of iron.

    Aplastic anaemia results from marrow failure affecting all three cell lines so the red cells, white cells and platelets are all affected.

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