
What are italian teenagers like?

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im (hopefully) getting an italian exchange student in a few months and then going back to live with them for 3 months. id like to know what they wear, listen to, talk about, hang out etc? like do italian teenagers tend to drink a lot or not to drink at all etc?




  1. Just like any other teenager.

  2. Italian teens are on the oust side just like teens everywhere else in the modern world. Some are conservative and some liberal. Some like to dress Armani and some in no-name clothes. Many Italian teens are very well schooled. Many have a good sense of family and have good table manners.

  3. we're great and speak romatically bella

  4. they dress very metro especially guys, they have a great sense of style, nothing really what normal people wear in the USA, they drink alcohol like it's water cuz it's legal therefore they have never been restricted not to. they are fun people...good luck

  5. Guys= HOTT!!

  6. I'm Italian! And I was a teenager at one point or another in my life. We are just like you and the rest of the world. But we are d**n good cooks.

  7. They like nice clothes.

  8. italian teenagers are hot...they eat good food...they wear beautiful clothes and they are really nice!

  9. depends where. where i lived they hated americans. some of there cloths r UGLY but some r ok. and ther's no drinking age so some do really depends who  u hang out with

  10. you

  11. hmm...... they like to wear the latest fashions.... and many for jeans.... um... a favorite singer among the youth would be caparezza..... there is no really typical characteristics about them....... some love school, others don't........ all of us in Italy loves to eat..... :P  a favorite summer hang out place from when I was a teenager was Rimini beach...... ( since I live in north).... also like for going in disco tecs and bars ( bars are different in Italy than America)- depends on the person whether they drink alot or little or none at all....... and they like just being with friends....... like most teenagers........... I hope that you enjoy having the exchange student!!!!

  12. they listen to a lot of techno and they speak italian. if you push one down the stairs, they will fall too

  13. HOTTTT!!! there was a foreighn exchange stupend from italy at my school last year and he was HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. by bestfriends italian, and hes a normal teenager.. sept he had really strikt rents. but hes hot so its all good =]

    there usually nice!

  15. like american teenagers, except they speak italian.

    okay, i dont know if thats true

    but how different could they be?

  16. i have an italian friend he is just as normal as americans only he eats better food

  17. probably the same as they are in america & every other country

  18. I lived in Italy for a year on an exchange and learned a heck of a lot about Italian teenagers. It really depends on where their from. I lived in downtown Milan. Those kids are a lot different than suburban Milanese teens. Which are extremely different from those in the south. More or less they're a lot like Canadian teens. Although a lot more of them smoke cigarettees. It's also in their culture to just go out for casual drinks (not get trashed like us). Some love clubbing (and listen to techno and house) others hate it (and listen to rock). They have a lot of respect (for the most part) for their families and their culture. School for them is also a really important thing. Many kids will study 7 or 8 hours a night. But in general, they're normal teenagers.

  19. We are like all the other teenagers in the world... Anyway we are really cool, I'm sure that you'll have fun here. Oh and Italy is where fashion comes from.

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