
What are latest about Retooling McLaren?

by  |  11 years, 3 month(s) ago

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What are Jonathan Neale, McLaren’s managing director remarks about the team performance in Korean grand prix?




  1. Jonathan Neale, McLaren’s managing director, candidly confessed that his team’s development has been sluggish when compared to his rivals.  While this lag has proven costly on the track, Neale confronted his critics’ claim that the season was a total write-off for McLaren. "We have not been quick enough to overhaul the competition. Red Bull, Ferrari and even Mercedes in the first part of the season had very strong upgrades to their cars," he said.  “There will be time for reflection, but it's not exactly as though the season has been calamitous – it has been a successful one," Neale insisted. For more read:

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