
What are little things I could do that help the environment?

by  |  earlier

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I want to help the earth but idk what i could do to help.




  1. Recycle as much as possible, including batteries.  Batteries can be dropped off at Best Buy. Only buy things and take what you need. Try not to waste anything. One thing I'm trying to figure out find a cure for the over abundance use of plastic bottles. Buy a bike or a moped. Mopeds get 80-100 mpg.

  2. You should recycle everything that you can, and also buy products made from recycled materials when available.

    Use energy saving light bulbs, such as the spiral fluorescents that go into regular bulbs sockets.

    Use less gas.  Walk or ride a bicycle when practical.  Instead of a gas-guzzling SUV, drive a car with good gas economy.

    Lower your home thermostats!

    Use a low-flow shower head.

    Turn off lights and electronic devices when you’re not using them.

    Use small, energy-efficient devices to cook food, like a microwave instead of the big oven.

    Save water:

    - turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.

    - collect the water used to wash vegetables and salad to water your houseplants.

    Call your local government to see if they have a disposal location for used car batteries and other hazardous household wastes.

    Use rechargeable batteries when practical.

    Help reduce the world's rubbish dumps - don't use "throw-away" products like paper plates and napkins, and plastic knives, forks, and cups.

    Take your own bags to the shops to carry home your groceries and shopping.

    Look for products that have less packaging.

    Buy organically grown fruits, vegetables, cotton clothing, and hemp-fibre products. Organic cotton clothing is available from many WWF websites.

    Don't buy bottled water if you know your tap water is safe.

    Never pour antifreeze, oil or other chemicals on the ground, into storm sewers or down the drain. Take these toxic substances to your local waste disposal facility.

    Use solar energy to dry your clothes!  Hang your clothes out to dry.

    Prevent energy leaks at home.  Plugging up those energy leaks is simple. Insulating your home will keep your house warmer in the winter and help to cool things off in the summer.

    Fix water leaks in the bathroom, kitchen, landscaping, etc.

    Consider switching to a low-flow toilet.

    Use ceiling fans to cool off in the summer, or if you don't own your home, large free-standing fans work very well.

    Compost!  Return your organic waste where it belongs: the soil! Rather than sending banana peels, grass clipping, etc. to the municipal dump, start a compost pile instead.

    Use drip irrigation systems in your garden, rather than sprayers.

    Plant trees in your yard and community.

    Everyone knows that planting trees can help the environment. Trees sequester (trap) CO2 emissions, minimizing the effects of global warming and release oxygen. They also have many other beneficial effects. Trees cool your home, reducing the energy used for cooling. Trees improve mental health. Trees increase property values. Trees reduce urban runoff and capture dust particles from the air. Trees reduce noise pollution.

    Go “mostly organic” in your lawn and garden.

    Use a reel or electric lawn mower.

    Replace your single-paned windows with double-pane windows.

  3. Use man power where ever possible than using fuel power.

  4. if u have money u can buy a hybrid or an electric car. that way u can set an example for ur friends and family so other people will start to buy electric.

  5. First of all you could buy a Hybrid, because if you look at scientific studies, cars produce the most pollution. Also you could reycyle things like plastic that are bad for the enviornment. If you are driving down the highway/ road and see lots of trash you could pick it up.

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